
主题:【原创】走向上甘岭(附后续贴子的目录) -- pxpxpx

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祝 pxpxpx 兄的願景能早日有成。在網上閒蕩時發覺這一網頁。兄可能早有此資料,如不然的話。不知有助否。


Operation Showdown (Triangle Hill)

I am writing a book about the battle of Triangle Hill (Operation Showdown) and the U. S. soldiers engaged in hat and related battles along the MLR in Korea during 1952 and 1953. My father, now deceased, was in the 31st Regiment, and fought and was wounded in the battle. I have been working on the book for the past 18 months. In addition to extensive documentary research in the US and Korea, I have been interviewing veterans of the battle and those who were in the service during that period. To date, I have interviewed or corresponded with over 100 veterans of the battle. The battle was fought by elements of the 7th US Infantry Division and the 5th US Air Force. I would appreciate it if you would alert your members about my effort and encourage any veterans who have knowledge of this battle and the other hill battles during October-November, 1952 to contact me. Thanks very much.

Kevin Quinn

[email protected]

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