
主题:【原创】走向上甘岭(附后续贴子的目录) -- pxpxpx

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家园 【】美军上甘岭档案资料(2)

BOX 3286 Folder G1 Section - 7th Inf Division OPERATION SHOWDOWN

7th Inf Div Command Report Periodic Personnel Report -- Part 1 8P

7th Inf Div Command Report Periodic Personnel Report -- Part 2 5P

7th Inf Div Command Report Periodic Personnel Report -- Part 3 5P

7th Inf Div Command Report Personnel Daily Summaries -- Part 1 10P

7th Inf Div Command Report Personne2 Daily Summaries -- Part 2 10P

7th Inf Div Command Report Personne3 Daily Summaries -- Part 3 12P

[URL=]7th Inf Div Command Report 7th Replacement Company Monthly Report 1P[/URL]

Photos in Box 57:

Photo 1, Photo2, Photo 3, Photo4, Photo5

Photos in Box 63:

Photo 1, Photo2


BOX 3286 Folder G1 Section - 7th Inf Division OPERATION SHOWDOWN

7th Inf Div Command Report Civil Affairs Reports

7th Inf Div Command Report Judge Advocate Journal

7th Inf Div Command Report Provost Marshal Journal

7th Inf Div Command Report Inspector General Journal

7th Inf Div Command Report Special Service Daily Activities Report





May I reproduce images from your web site?

The vast majority of the digital images in the Archival Research Catalog (ARC) are in the public domain. Therefore, no written permission is required to use them. We would appreciate your crediting the National Archives and Records Administration as the original source. For the few images that remain copyrighted, please read the instructions noted in the "Access Restrictions" field of each ARC record.

Please note that a few images on other areas of our web site have been obtained from other organizations and that these are always credited. Permission to use these photographs should be obtained directly from those organizations.

May I reproduce other NARA records?

In general, all government records are in the public domain and may be freely used. We do have some donated or other materials that might be copyrighted. If you have questions about the records you are interested in, speak to the archivist or reference staff that handles those records.

Can I get a signed permission form from NARA to use materials?

NARA as a policy does not sign documents stating that particular records are not copyrighted because government records are in the public domain. For other materials, it is the user's responsibility to determine copyright.

关于翻译的问题,我原想自己先起草一份项目计划给斑竹过目,然后大家一起讨论,后来特意上网看了看有关mass collaboration 的一些文章和网站,觉得既然需要依靠大家来完成的事情还是全权由大家来商量,筹划为好。我本人也一定会积极参与,就是得换件马甲再来,省得大家太给我面子。至于项目管理工具以及工作组平台的选择,大家可以参考一下下面的文章,Nine Easy Web-Based Collaboration Tools ,也许会比较有帮助。


最后恳请大家多多关注,多多参与,让咱们大家一起为自己和后人留下一点点有纪念意义的东西,同时也对华人网上社区自发的mass collaboration (不知如何翻译,抱歉)做些尝试性的探索,后者的意义在今后的几年里也许会更加的重要一些。


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