
主题:[译文]美国恐华症 《经济学家》 -- 赝造的孔方兄

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  • 家园 [译文]美国恐华症 《经济学家》






    北京的政治没那么开放,但形势同样成问题.因为他们没有选举合法性,土共的头头们需要(原文是need to deliver the economic goods even more than most congressmen do,不太肯定我翻的对不对,就写出两个可能的吧[1]需要粉饰更多的太平.[2]需要更景气的经济维持统治).担心于失业率,中国人很反感让人民币以超过现在蜗牛散步的速度升值.而且要像一切的独裁者一样,摆出一幅强硬姿态.中共的人大会才刚刚结束几个月,中国的国家主席胡锦涛不可能会在人民币或者别的什么问题上向美国低头.(偏右杂志就是这样,我照直翻译了,没办法)





    如果中国真的威胁到了美国的经济健康,付出如此巨大的地缘政治代价似乎还是可以理解的.但事实并不是那样.中国对知识产权的侵犯给美国企业带来的损失比人们以为的的要少的多:盗版DVD在上海像花生一样的贱卖,但如果好莱坞如果想用全价卖正版,很快就会发现,绝大多数中国人根本承担不起.同样的,涨了价的人民币对美国的贸易赤字只怕也是杯水车薪.(从前我转过的一篇lost in translation有详述)




    以全面的医疗改革来创造一个可以让所有美国人都能享受到的独立灵活的(原文是portable, 我猜是不会钉死在一家公司的意思)医疗保险可以纾缓工人的忧虑,并使他们适应当今这个需要时常变换工作的经济环境.还有工资税的改革,递减税收对低收入人群伤害是最大的,要找到一个更好的办法把资源转移到需要的人手里.恰恰相反的是,如果廉价的中国进口商品被阻碍,会不同程度的伤害低收入和中等收入的美国消费者,而这些人正是民主党特别强调要保护的.




    关键词(Tags): #经济译文
    • 家园 某些同志被忽悠得为大家做了好事
    • 家园 先花, 应当是一年两度之会吧?不然就不会有那么多人担心半年之后


    • 家园 原文

      America's fear of China; Trade and the economy

      The Economist , May 19, 2007 U.S. Edition

      China is a far-from-cuddly beast; but bashing it is a bad idea

      IF THE guest list determined a meeting's value, the Strategic Economic Dialogue between China and America on May 22nd would be a roaring success. Almost half the Chinese cabinet is trooping to Washington, DC, for the second of the twice-yearly discussions, conceived by Hank Paulson, America's treasury secretary, between the world's largest economy and its fastest-growing one. The process was designed, in large part, as an antidote to the latest case of Asiaphobia among America's politicians. It is not working.

      The itch to get tough with Beijing is urgent in Congress. Brandishing China's growing bilateral trade surplus as proof, congressmen from both parties have denounced the country as a currency manipulator, an illegal export-subsidiser, a violator of rights to intellectual property and all-round trade scoff-law. China-bashers have introduced a dozen bills in the new Congress. Some are bound to languish, but others may be passed—though there would then be further hurdles to jump, not least the president's power of veto (George Bush has other conflicts on his mind). The most threatening include proposals that would declare China's cheap currency an illegal subsidy and allow American firms to seek compensatory tariffs.

      Politics in Beijing is less open, but the circumstances are similarly unhelpful. Because they have no electoral legitimacy, China's Communist leaders need to deliver the economic goods even more than most congressmen do. Worried about unemployment, the Chinese are loth to let their currency, the yuan, appreciate much faster than at today's snail's pace. And as with all dictatorships, there is the need to seem tough. With the five-yearly Communist Party congress only months away, China's president, Hu Jintao, cannot be seen to be bowing to American pressure on the yuan or anything else.

      Thankfully, an all-out trade war remains unlikely. Congressional leaders seem inclined to act within the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which limit the scope and scale of any barriers that America can unilaterally impose. And some friction is to be expected in a trading relationship worth well over $300 billion a year. But although today's tensions are not cause for panic, they are a costly and unnecessary distraction—and potentially worse than that.

      One worrying parallel is the Japanophobia of the 1980s and early 1990s. Back then, Japan's rising bilateral trade surplus and its mounting foreign-exchange reserves were seen as "proof" of its manipulated currency and mercantilist attitude. America's paranoia deepened as its jobless rate climbed—especially when the Japanese started buying landmarks like the Rockefeller Centre. In fact, Japan's bubble economy ended up bursting; but not before an outbreak of foolish protectionism. The economic tension even undermined support in both countries for America's security alliance with Japan.

      The case against China is even weaker than the one against Japan was. Its economy is far more open. Though much poorer than Japan was then, China is already America's fastest-growing export market. And in contrast to the 1980s, the WTO now exists as an umpire for trade disputes. But logic, alas, may count for less than political grievance. America's low unemployment rate looks set to rise in the wake of the housing bust. To American voters, the Chinese are likely to become more prominent rivals, whether it be displacing America at the top of some economic league tables, winning Olympic medals or buying big American firms (the Chinese are rightly keen to diversify from treasury bonds). Most worrying, though, are the strategic risks. Japan was an ally in Asia: China is potentially a military competitor. Trade tensions could make it easier to see China as a rival and harder to enlist it as a partner.

      Running such geopolitical risks would be understandable if China's policies posed a true threat to America's economic health. But they do not. China's intellectual-property violations cost American firms far less than many would have you believe: pirated DVDs may sell for peanuts in the markets of Shanghai, but if Hollywood tried to sell the genuine articles at full price, it would quickly discover that most Chinese could not afford them. Similarly, a stronger yuan would do little to dent America's trade deficit (see pages 79-81).

      The bilateral trade imbalance, the target of so many American politicians' anger, is an economic red herring. Its rise reflects changing supply patterns in Asia: America now imports more stuff that has passed through China—and correspondingly fewer goods from South Korea and Taiwan. China's overall surplus and America's overall deficit have less to do with the value of the yuan than with Chinese saving and American profligacy. True, a stronger, more flexible yuan makes sense for China, because it would help shift spending towards imports and would give Beijing's policymakers greater control over interest rates, making it easier to prevent the economy from overheating. But the effect on America would be small.

      Rather than picking fights over the currency, Congress should step back and ask why Americans are so upset with China in the first place. The answer is that China is a scapegoat for broader economic anxieties to do with stagnant wages, rising income-inequality and dwindling health and pension benefits. These insecurities, which also lie behind the bad idea of introducing labour standards in trade agreements (see page 49), are much better tackled head on—at home.

      Comprehensive health-care reform to create a system where all Americans have access to portable health insurance would do a lot to reduce workers' anxiety and equip them for an economy that these days demands frequent job shifts. Reform of the payroll tax, a regressive levy that hits the less affluent hardest, would be a good way to shift resources to needier Americans. By contrast, raising barriers to cheap Chinese imports would disproportionately hit the wallets of poor and middle-income American consumers—the very people the Democrats in particular claim to be protecting.

      By scaling back its China-bashing, Congress could avoid such blunders. It would also leave more room to engage Chinese officials on subjects that actually matter. Top of the trade agenda ought to be the successful conclusion of the Doha round of global talks. No country has more at stake in a vibrant WTO than China, yet Beijing has been scandalously unwilling to help push for a Doha deal.

      But the greatest prizes of Sino-American diplomacy are nothing to do with trade. Avoiding war and conflict, naturally, comes top of the list, whether by co-operation over North Korean and Iranian nukes or by building the trust that minimises the odds of a clash in the Taiwan Strait. Then there is China's expansion into Africa, particularly its cosy relations with genocidal Sudan. Global warming, too, ought to be centre-stage. China is building a new coal-fired power plant every week and is set to surpass America as the biggest source of greenhouse gases within a year. If the world is to contain its carbon emissions, America must not only clean up its own act but also help China to green its economic growth.

      Mr Paulson wants the strategic dialogue to address some of these broader issues. Congress should stop distracting him.

    • 家园 portable:IT中作可移植讲


    • 家园 从翻译的文章来看


      • 家园 左派也不糊涂


      • 家园 似乎执政党都会变得比在野党温柔一点点


    • 家园 portable 这里应该翻成:


    • 家园 那句似乎这样翻更好些

      need to deliver the economic goods even more than most congressmen do

      中国高层需要比西方国家高层拿出更多的经济成果 (以维持其统治)

      还没看完,先胡说两句 --- 觉得兄弟翻得比较精确,但如果是我翻,我会把所有英





      种做法似乎不受老师青睐...我这种翻法被认为是画蛇添足... 但我还是坚信我的做


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