
主题:【原创】离谱过了头的地震糖尿病(1) -- 寒塘冷月

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        • 家园 好像没有这么个移植手术


          银翘解毒片加入paracetamol倒也说得过去啦,目的呢可以说是中西医结合治标治本。paracetamol见效快,控制症状,中药成分治治本。俺就这么一猜测,不知道银翘解毒片+paracetamol对比单独paracetamol(又叫acetaminophen)是不是真有差别? 而很多国家禁止中药加入西药大概就是考虑到加了西药,谁知道是中药的作用还是西药的,要是来自于西药,还吃中药干吗?


          • 家园 早就有胰腺移植手术了



    • 家园 摆事实,讲道理,送花支持认真的思考和详细的求证。


      说说糖尿病, 地震和血糖 (上) [ wan1234 ] 于:2008-06-04 01:48:22


    • 家园 【原创】离谱过了头的地震糖尿病(2)

      3.2 施的博士论文是中药苦骨(又名:苦参;野槐根、山槐根、干人参)对糖尿病的辅助疗效,论文于1998年完成,至今9年,没有得到世卫的认可。

      1998 Life and Environmental Science and Technology, Osaka Prefecture doctorate thesis

      The number Flower 552 農化 Of Agriculture and 施 海潮 Shi sea tide 漢方薬 Sophora (苦骨)に含まれる抗肥満性抗糖尿病性生理活性成分に関する研究 Chinese herbal Sophora (bitter bone) contains the anti-anti-obesity active ingredients of sexual physiology of diabetes research 1999/3/31 学40 40 science

      3.3 施海潮,黄秋云对中药苦骨抗糖尿病并发症白内障作用的实验研究英文版

      Studies on Prevention of Diabetogenous Cataract by Chinese Crude Drug Sophora

      Shi Haichao; Huang Qiuyun (Osaka Prefecture University) (Fuzhou Free Medical Treat Second Out Patient Department)

       In this paper, we reported the extract of Sphora susprostrata Kugua radix (also called Kugua extract)preyented marked1y the Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats from getting cataracts. In practice, Kugua extract inhibited aldose reductase (AR ) that is a key enzyme of the pathway of glucose metabolism to convert glucose to sorbitol. In vitro,Human Recombinant AR was most effectively inhibited by Kugua extract,it has competitive inhibition on the Human Recombinant AR and on the (±) glyceraldehyde as substrate,and has non-competitive inhibition on the NADPH as coenzyme. It suggested that Kugua extract can be used to treat and prevent the diabetogenous cataract.

      【Keyword】:Kugua extract Anti cataract activity Kugua isoflavone glycosides Anti-diabetic and diabetogenous diseases

      3.5 文摘

      西方对苦骨的研究,其英文学名为 Sophora tomentosa Linn. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE] 注意:他们已经发现到其对新成代谢的功用,即是对糖尿病等疾病有改善的治本作用。

      翻译:英国皇家植物园存档 – 苦骨




      Repository Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K)

      Collection Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa

      Entry from Burkill, H.M. 1985. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol 3

      Names Sophora occidentalis Linn. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE]

      Sophora tomentosa Linn. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE]

      Common names

      West African: GHANA AKAN-TWI saman dua = spirit’s beans; being inedible (FRI) SENEGAL NON naradia (K&A) SERER bore (JB; K&A)


      General * Agri-horticulture: land conservation

      Plant, sap * Phytochemistry: fish-poisons

      Seed * Medicines: diarrhoea, dysentery; food poisoning; kidneys, diuretics; laxatives, etc.

      * Phytochemistry: alkaloids; insecticides, arachnicides

      Description A shrub to 2 to 3 m high, common on the foreshore and in the mangrove community along the length of the Region from Senegal to W Cameroons, and generally widespread on the coasts of tropical Africa, and the Atlantic seaboard of tropical America.

      3.6 中医很早就对苦骨做了研究,并发现了苦骨的多种医疗价值


      苦骨又名:苦参;野槐根、山槐根、干人参、。 ;Radix Sophorae Flavescentis ;Lightyellow Sophora Root

      正文:苦参;野槐根、山槐根、干人参、苦骨。 ;Radix Sophorae Flavescentis ;Lightyellow Sophora Root 苦参

      Radix Sophorae Flavescentis

      槐根、山槐根、干人参、苦骨。 【来源】 为豆科植物苦参Sophora flavescens Ait.的根。 【植物形态】 落叶亚灌木。单数羽状复叶,小叶披针形至线状披针形,顶端渐尖,基部圆形,背面有平贴柔毛。总状花序顶生;花冠淡黄色,旗瓣匙形,翼瓣无耳;雄蕊10,花 丝仅基部愈合;子房柄被细毛。荚果线形。种子3~7粒,黑色,近球形。花期5~7月,果期7~9月。 生于向阳山坡灌丛、草地中。全国均产。 【采制】 秋季采挖,除去细根,洗净,晒干。 【性状】 根圆柱形,下部常分叉,长10~20cm,直径1~2.5cm。表面棕黄色至灰棕色,有纵皱纹及横长线形皮孔。栓皮薄,常破裂外卷,脱落处显黄色。质坚韧,断面粗纤 维性,黄白色。气微,味极苦。 【化学成分】 含苦参碱(matrine)、氧化苦参碱(oxymatrine)、苦参醇碱(sophoranole)、N-甲基金雀花碱(N- methylcytisine)、安那吉碱(anagyrine)、膺靛叶碱(baptifoline)、脱氢苦参碱(sophocarpine)、d- 异苦参碱(d-isomatrine)、苦参啶(kuraridin)、去甲苦参酮(norkurarinone)、苦参碇醇 (kuraridinol)、苦参醇(kurarinol)、新苦参醇(neo-kurarinol)、去甲苦参醇(norkurar 【性味】 性寒,味苦。 【功能主治】 清热燥湿,杀虫利尿。用于热痢、便血、黄疸尿闭、赤白带下、阴肿阴痒、湿疹、湿疮、皮肤瘙痒、疥癣麻风;外治滴虫性阴道炎。用量4.5~9g。

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