
主题:【求助】问一个关于游行示威的问题 -- 快刀123

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  • 家园 【求助】问一个关于游行示威的问题



    • 家园 美国首都华盛顿警察局的规定



      The DC Emergency Management Agency (DCEMA) has the final word on special event planning in the Nation's Capital. According to the 1990 District of Columbia Special Event handbook of the DCEMA:

      Special events are activities for which licenses and permits are required within the District of Columbia and where large numbers of persons may gather or participate. Such events may include parades, cultural programs, festivals, musical rock concerts, religious gatherings, block parties, community activities, and First Amendment Rights activities.

      As an event planner, you are required to meet with the Special Events Task Group at least 60 days prior to your proposed event. Due to the large number of events held in Washington, DC, and the District's extensive regulations that govern event planning, you should contact the Task Force at least 120 days in advance of an event. For parades, demonstrations, and other permits controlled by the Metropolitan Police Department, you can initiate this notification by completing the appropriate forms (see below) and mailing them to the MPDC's Special Operations Division. Contact the DCEMA at (202) 727-3165.

      At the Task Force meeting, you will be required to produce 12 copies of your plan of action and make a presentation covering the event. The Task Group consists of representatives from the following District of Columbia agencies:

      * Department of Administrative Services

      * Commission on the Arts and Humanities

      * Office of the Chief Financial Officer/Office of Tax and Revenue

      * DC Committee to Promote Washington

      * Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

      * Emergency Management Agency

      * Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department

      * Department of Human Services

      * Mayor's Office of Communications

      * Metropolitan Police Department (Special Operations Division)

      * Department of Parks and Recreation

      * Department of Public Works

      * Office of the Secretary

      If the event involves the use of, or is in close proximity to, federal property, representatives from the National Park Service and other appropriate agencies of the US Government will be invited to participate in the Task Group.

      Representatives from the following agencies and organizations may also be invited to participate in the Task Group:

      * District of Columbia Chapter of the American Red Cross

      * District of Columbia Armory

      * District of Columbia Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board

      * District of Columbia National Guard

      * District of Columbia Public Schools

      * Washington Convention Center

      If you are still in doubt as to whether you proposed activity is a "special event" and exactly what is required, ask yourself the following questions:

      1. Is the activity open to the public?

      2. Are there any aspects of the activity that involve special features or additions such as music, amusements rides, pyrotechnics, etc.?

      3. Does the activity require a temporary street closing?

      4. Even if the activity will be held primarily on private space, will some aspects spill on to the public space?

      5. Is there a remote chance that the safety and welfare of the participants and/or the residents of the District of Columbia may be affected if certain aspects of the activity are not properly constructed, installed, or handled -- for example, food, electrical wiring, booths, generators, propane?

      If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the activity is probably a special event and will require some type of permit.

    • 家园 几个链接(只是材料,没有亲身经历)




      3. 美國的示威遊行都是需要提前申請的。


      5. 美國示威都規定了具體的時間,具體的地點。什麼時候開始,什麼時候結束。

      6. 美國舉行遊行示威時,美國警察都全部武裝佩帶武器,長槍短槍都有。

      7. 美國警察都會在遊行時候都設置禁戒線,也就是遊行不得踰越的屆線。



      A growing trend in the United States has been the implementation of "free speech zones," or fenced-in areas which are often far-removed from the event which is being protested; critics of free-speech zones argue that they go against the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by their very nature, and that they lessen the impact the demonstration might otherwise have had.

      In many areas it is required to get permission from the government to hold a demonstration.

      Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 and the Terrorism Act 2006, there are areas designated as 'protected sites' where people are not allowed to go. Previously, these were military bases and nuclear power stations, but the law is changing to include other, generally political areas, such as Downing Street, the Palace of Westminster, and the headquarters of MI5 and MI6. Previously, trespassers to these areas could not be arrested if they have not committed another crime and agreed to be escorted out, but this will change following amendments to the law.

    • 家园 美国的不知道



      - 不批准你要求游行的日子,可以借口种种原因给你推后几个星期或者推到某个没啥人气的日子:譬如,今年德国某城市的中国人申请抗议zd的游行,原计划在某个周六,结果被告之只能在n周后的某周日游行,-这边周日商店锁门,市中心基本无人-,这样以来中国人的游行抗议的影响大大打折。




      • 家园 这里花头太多,可有些人就只看中国
      • 家园 法国也是




      • 家园 那什么情况下可以不批准呢?


        • 家园 多伦多的情况





          [/QUOTE]最近一直在忙多伦多华人集~会反对暴力,拥护祖国统一的事. 原定3.22举行, 由于政府审批原因推迟到3.29.由于本地流~亡藏人于3.23(我们怀疑是针对我们原定3.22的活动),集中了全安大略省的藏人举行了规模达4000 人的游~行,所以我们的活动预计人数由300人增加到5000人. 仅多伦多一地就有50万华人,气势上无论如何不能输给藏人.




          实话实说,我们这次的组织方也接到了不明身份人士的恐吓,说要在活动当天在现场放炸弹什么的. 我们内部经过讨论决定,由于英国方面的活动已经被迫取消了,现在我们是全球华人第一批,公告已经打出去了,全世界的华人反响也很强烈.如果我们被恐吓取消,那么造成影响太坏,所以硬着头皮上了,估计恐吓也就是恐吓而已,他们不会真在西方搞出这种事情来,毕竟藏人在西方还要装可怜装和平以搏取白人同情呢. 万一有什么事,俺就和你们永别了~ 到时候给俺的ID上加上一条哈达我就满意了.呵呵.


          最后该游行改成集会。我在现场听说(以下只是听说,确切的信息请联系当时的组织者)集会也没有批准,只好租了一个广场(地点在市中心,名字叫 Yonge-Dundas Square),以北京同乡会开露天音乐会的名义举行的(像JET所说,必须挂靠某组织)。所以当时有一个环节是一个男歌唱家领唱了几首爱国歌曲。警察也是组织者租的。




        • 家园 任何这类法规




        • 家园 具体的


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