
主题:【原创】哥本哈根与气候变化 -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 最关键的协议第5条

      These supported nationally appropriate mitigation actions will be subject to international measurement, reporting and verification in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties.


      • 家园 不是的


        Non-Annex I Parties to the Convention will implement mitigation actions, including those to be submitted to the secretariat by non-Annex I Parties in the format given in Appendix II by 31 January 2010, for compilation in an INF document, consistent with Article 4.1 and Article 4.7 and in the context of sustainable development. Least developed countries and small island developing States may undertake actions voluntarily and on the basis of support. Mitigation actions subsequently taken and envisaged by Non-Annex I Parties, including national inventory reports, shall be communicated through national communications consistent with Article 2.1(b) every two years on the basis of guidelines to be adopted by the Conference of the Parties. Those mitigation actions in national communications or

        otherwise communicated to the Secretariat will be added to the list in appendix II. Mitigation actions taken by Non-Annex I Parties will be subject to their domestic measurement, reporting and verification the result of which will be reported through their national communications every two years. Non-Annex I Parties will communicate information on the implementation of their actions through National Communications, with provisions for international consultations and analysis under clearly defined guidelines that will ensure that national sovereignty is respected. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions seeking international support will be recorded in a registry along with relevant technology, finance and capacity building support. Those actions supported will be added to the list in appendix II. These supported nationally appropriate mitigation actions will be subject to international measurement, reporting and verification in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties.


        • 家园 多谢指出。这样就更让人放心了。


    • 家园 这次会议对欧洲未尝不是一次契机


      • 家园 you wish!

        Europeans are hopeless infighters...

        Never forget Britons are America's trojan horse inplanted in the EU.

        Look at who are the new EU president and foreign minister. Hopeless EU.

        Wait for another 15-20 years, a religious war will kill Europe.

        • 家园 欧洲的明白人还是不少的
        • 家园 看到这个想起来了,EU新总统和外长去了吗?
        • 家园 trojan horse, 说的好,英国就是这样
        • 家园 It is very funny that you

          even mention the EU presidency, without realizing that it is a step forward for European integration, however small it is.A year ago, people were talking about the death of Lisbon!

          The history of European integration has been one of comprises and patience. That is what makes it so great.

          • 家园 European leaders intentional

            intentionally put two weak lame ducks from small nations into these two key positions: they learned from the history.

            There is consistent fight between national gov. and European Commission. A major integration push did not happen until former French PM and politician strongman Jacques Delors overtook the Commission and set up the ambitious goal of "A single market without frontier". He is one of the founding fathers of Euro.

            National leaders make it very clear: they want very weak European federal gov. and strong national gov. That's a recipe for disaster.

            • 家园 “他的收获是暂时性的,而代价却是永久性的”




    • 家园 送花上宝!
    • 家园 这个与贸易谈判还是不一样的。



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