
主题:【万众期待】Apple 27号发布全新产品 -- AllenKid

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      • 家园 同感啊



      • 家园 【视频】就是一大号iPhone或·触屏·netbook,


        近两年来,the hottest 或 top-10 best selling 大众联网 toys 就是 1. iPhone 2. netbook 3. digi-frame,Amazon 和 Target 卖 digi-frame 都很火。但是,

        1. iPhone -屏幕太小;

        2. netbook - OS 和 UI 都太老式;

        3. digi-frame - 功能和 UI 太单调。

        苹果的 iTablet,千万不要太大,10"足以,能把这些都结合起来。就是太多 $$$ 鸟!我还是希望是比较经济实惠的。听说 S. Jobs 很恨 notbook,他说是用在厕所里上网用的

        游戏机会要求太多的 power!


        • 家园 如果能够变成这样,那绝对是横扫了
          • 家园 今天纽约时报的苹果业绩分析:超薄笔记本销售超预期,

            苹果上个季度的盈利 MACBOOK 立了大功。 MACBOOK 不是一般地火, 可以经常看到肥胖的美国妞,老人在“苹果店”里玩超薄 MACBOOK; 可以推论 iTablet 也会火。

            January 26, 2010

            Laptop Sales Help Apple Top Forecasts

            “We’re thrilled to report our best quarter ever,” Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s chief financial officer, said during a conference call with investors on Monday. “We set new records in sales of Macs and iPhones. We’re shipping the best products in history and our customers love them.”

            Updated versions of Apple’s Macintosh laptop and desktop computers helped sales, the company said. Apple, based in Cupertino, Calif., sold 3.36 million Macs in the quarter, up 33 percent from the 2.5 million it sold in the same period a year earlier.

            Apple said it sold 8.7 million iPhones in the first quarter, up from 4.3 million a year earlier.


        • 家园 这个东西可以玩多人游戏



          下面的镜头应该是女生们走过教授和学生之间,全场行注目礼,教授的粉笔脱手落地。其中一个女生对某个群众演员羞涩的一笑,然后某个倒霉的feature phone从该群众演员手上掉落。


          • 家园 现在美国女性的一种时髦就是那种超薄macbook


            kindle 对我一点吸引力都没有!AMAZON 怎么会想起那么一个普罗玩艺儿?听说还挺沉 ......

      • 家园 如果把屏幕下半作为触摸的qwerty键盘呢?


      • 家园 如果它能够给我一种最贴近真实的文件阅读体验






    • 家园 Wow,apple准备用bing代替google作为sa

      Oppenheimer: Bing deal could bring Apple more risk than reward

      By Neil Hughes

      Published: 10:10 AM EST

      Related AppleInsider articles:

      Apple, Microsoft in talks to make Bing default...

      Microsoft brings Bing to iPhone, RedLaser tops...

      Google to have larger iPhone ad presence with...

      Verizon turns to Android to compete with...

      Bing's share of search less than Safari's...

      A new analysis suggests an Apple-Microsoft deal to bring Bing search to the iPhone could carry great risks for Apple, which has formed an identity by disparaging the Windows platform in its "Get a Mac" ads.

      A team of analysts from Oppenheimer offered their insight in a research note to investors Wednesday. Breaking down the implications of a Bing search agreement between Apple and Microsoft, the analysis was provided in response to an earlier report alleging that the two rivals are currently in talks to replace Google as the primary search provider for the iPhone, as well as the Safari browser.

      Analyst Yair Reiner said the battle lines have been drawn between Apple and Google, though "overt warfare" between the two companies has yet to erupt. He said that the companies are at odds because Apple seeks to be the "special box in a world of generic services," while Google aims to become the "special service in a world of generic boxes." Now, it's possible, Apple's enemy in Microsoft could become its friend with a Bing partnership.

      "Cozying up (to Microsoft) could bring more risk than reward, not least because it would clash with the Mac vs. PC campaign and the Apple brand identity that has coalesced around it," Reiner wrote.

      For Google, such a deal would be negative in the long-term, but shouldn't come as a surprise to those who watch the technology industry. Analyst Jason Helfstein said users will likely still be able to change the default settings on their device, or download the Google Apps software.

      As for AT&T, the exclusive carrier of the iPhone in the U.S., analyst Tim Horan said the discussion serves to highlight the loss of control the wireless provider has over its customer base, thanks to Apple and the iPhone. AT&T is on the losing end because it does not receive any of the revenue associated with software on the App Store, yet is the use of many of those applications that has resulted in poor network quality.

      "We believe this will intensify the service providers' promotion of alternative handset suppliers and their own applications market," Horan wrote. "We would expect the service providers to work more intensively with Google, Nokia, RIM etc. to create devices that are comparable to the iPhone, but this will take some time."

      Microsoft analyst Brad Reback with Oppenheimer said Microsoft's desire to grow the Bing brand and increase its market share by any means indicates the Redmond, Wash., company would be willing to strike a deal with Apple for the right price. He noted that Microsoft has already released a Bing application for the iPhone.

      "We believe (Microsoft) will not grossly overpay so as to negatively impact the future profitability from such a deal," Reback said. "As a reminder, MSFT recently replaced (Google) as (Verizon's) default search engine in a five-year deal estimated to be worth $500M."

      Speculation of a potential Apple deal for Bing has arisen in the past, due to the growing tension between the iPhone maker and Google. Some have speculated that Apple could look to remove Google's presence entirely from its devices.

      While Apple's non-acceptance of the Google Voice application into the App Store highlighted the differences between the two companies, it could be a sign of things to come. Last year, Apple revealed it was looking to hire someone to create a new and improved Maps application for the iPhone. The current mapping software is powered by Google.

      Combined with Apple's purchase of Google Maps competitor Placebase last summer, there remains ongoing chatter that a new Maps application created by Apple could appear in a forthcoming update to the iPhone operating system.



      • 家园 当时是看在 Schmidt 董事的面子上给 Google


        不过 Bing 要想成为默认引擎,那个结果页面得改,脏乱差得跟三无摊点一般。

        Nokia 宣布旗下 Ovi Maps TBT 全球免费了,哎呀,人人都有被逼急的时候啊~~~

    • 家园 啥slate都是瞎猜....进来看真正震撼的

















      [MOVE]i A I R[/MOVE]

      从下个礼拜三下午开始,乃就可以呼吸到纯正的'苹果爱空'!.....这是一种无与伦比的,前所未见的,匪夷所思的,22世纪的新空气!....基于协定,本帮暂时不能再提供任何关于此产品的详细情况....大家请屏住呼吸....静待下周三! (啥?乃摒不住,那就是乃无怨享受了)


    • 家园 i,glasses



      • 家园 Apple和google现在是死对头


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