
主题:迷茫的《中国通史》 -- 种植园土

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      • 家园 顶,民族团结就是我们的政治正确


      • 家园 如果没有以下事件发生,谁会闲得翻历史的老账?









        本帖一共被 3 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
        • 家园 中国如果不吸取教训,伊斯兰在中国依然会造成严重的危害






        • 家园 "马来西亚YSL本来相对温和" haha。 中国人


        • 家园 不要转进



          • 家园 这句话之所以不改是因为毫无错误。解释如下:



             628年 通过唐太宗在梦中见到穆罕默德,伊斯兰教神奇地传入中国。












            • 家园 如果说蒙古人是大鬼子


            • 家园 你这两句话意思可不太一样





              • 家园 I need to add some comments


                DOMESTIC Chinese need to have a global view on the rise of Muslim Fundamentalism. There is nothing wrong with Islam. But inside this religious practice, there are different sects and some sects are dangerously dominant.

                Lots of global terrorists have links to Wahhabi sect, which is a Sunni muslim sect from Saudi Arabia. The saudi king family formed alliance with Wahhabi in early 20th century and unified tribes to form Saudi Arabia. There was agreement between Wahhabi people and the king: king family controls secular power and Wahhabism would be the national ideology. Wahhabism is a much more extreme Islam compared with other sects. It has power to declare anybody as infidels and have the power to kill fellow muslims not in their sects. That sect DID do that before.

                Just google for yourself.

                Unfortunately, Saudi's huge oil reserve not only made the king family super rich, but also the Wahhabi sect. And Wahhabi used the financial resources to finance its global expansion--as well as the spread of its extreme views. Malaysia and Indonedia are just two examples. And its missionaries are also expanding in former USSR mid-asia nations (those -stan nations).

                Keep in mind: without financial resources, new ideology will not be spread quickly. People change affiliation out of faith, but money often speeds up such process. Without the patronage of rich greeks and Roman emperor Constantine I., Christianity would not take over most of the western world so quickly.

                Do not you guys feel weird: how come Malays become so violent in the last 20 years? It was not the case under the British rule when moderate Islam was practised.

                For 南渝霜华, I do recommend you to google the term "Dar Al-Islam", its implication and read the instructions of Mohammad from Koran. If you live outside China, watch video "farewell to Israel" and read books about "Muslim Brotherhood"


                The economic and global-status-related frustration is attracting more and more muslims away from the moderate camp to the fundamentalism camp in various African nation, European nation, as well as Asian nations.

                Do not be so simple-minded. 种植园土 worked LONG time outside China and some of his observations are consistent with my concerns too.

                What China's gov. should do is to BLOCK FURTHER SPREAD OF FUNDAMENTALISM Islam into China, reduce radicalization from Wahhabism, encourage the cooperation of chinese domestic muslim leaders of the moderate sect; thus REVERSE THE penetration of fundamentalism. Key: ensure peaceful co-existence between believers and non-believers.

                Here I want to criticize HAN people's arrogance: if you want to manage minority groups well, HAN leaders should learn local language, their religious belief and their ways of thinking. Han is too materialistic and simple-mindedly believe that more financial support to IMPROVE EVERYONE'S life is every muslim wants. Han people lack Briton's skill in empire building.

                Keep in mind: one British officer called Lawrence single-handed managed the uprising of Arabic Penisula and destroyed Turkish rule in Palestine, Syria and Lebannon, in WW I. Watch the movie Lawrence of Arabia then one will see. In the American/British camp, they have tons of talents who understand Uiger language/culture and local tension. If right time comes, they will be releashed to make China the second (broken) Turkish empire.

                Let me GIVE YOU MY PREDICTION IN A STRAIGHTFORWARD WAY: a religious war shall happen for sure, in the next 30 years, either in Asia or in Europe. If I were you, I will hope that it never happens in my homeland China.

                • 家园 我很反感你

                  Let me GIVE YOU MY PREDICTION IN A STRAIGHTFORWARD WAY: a religious war shall happen for sure, in the next 30 years, either in Asia or in Europe. If I were you, I will hope that it never happens in my homeland China.



                  老实说,我很反感那些呆在洋人的国家里,吃着洋人的饭,用洋人的语言来对中国指手画脚的人(也许我应该用渣滓),你是中国人吗?我看你就是“tons of talents who understand Uiger language/culture and local tension”中的一员吧?如果你真关心中国未来,就多一些建设性意见,少在这里大放厥词,危言耸听!

                • 家园 thanks to your comments

                  But as a person trained in ethnic studies, I'm surely aware of most of what you said.

                  The point is not here.

                  At stake is plantation earth's phraseology. What the hell does he mean by "回回的历史是可憎的"? If his critique on Islamic radicalism is a timely reminder, then this sentence is bullshit,or in a Chinese way, mouseshit. This evidently biased statement adds nothing to the clarity of his post, and yet manifests his chauvinistic arrogance and rudeness, thus provoking some Hui riverfriends to anger.

                  • 家园 sir/madam, watch

                    the video "Farewell to Israeli" and watch carefully the teaching of Mohammed.

                    I can not write everything here. Watch by yourself. Judge by yourself. 回回的历史是可憎的 is an overstatement. I guess Zhong has retracted some statements. As Han people, let's be more or less a bit more tolerant of him.

                    Christianity in its dark-age period is very stupid and brutal: priests abused people's faith in God and preached stuff totally inconsistent with Jesus'teaching. The belief went through a complete revolution after the reformation and renaissance period. RELIGIOUS LIFE BECOMES A PRIVATE ISSUE AND power is no longer concentrated in the church(both catholic and protestant) anymore. The secular society keeps its christian facade, but respects more individual freedom of choice. We live under rule of law in the West now.

                    In sum, Christianity modernizes itself and wings out its fundamentalism side.

                    As to Islam, the church and secular power was and will NEVER be separate. It is in Koran, it is in Mohammed's practice.

                    There is only believers vs. non-believers (ethnicity/nationality/language does not matter) and finally, there SHOULD be only one Dal-al-Islam...

                    Read more the writings of those leaders of Islam Brotherhood before further debating. It is not convenient for me to write any further.

                    BTW, 回回 is an ethnic concept, NOT a religious concept. We should learn their language, respect their customs, make friends with both Islam and non-Islam 回回s. But SHIELD THEM FROM WAHHABISM. Otherwise, China will learn bloody lessons!

                    • 家园 真是恶心

                      I can not write everything here. Watch by yourself. Judge by yourself. 回回的历史是可憎的 is an overstatement. I guess Zhong has retracted some statements. As Han people, let's be more or less a bit more tolerant of him.



                      还以为你那么推崇基督教,会接受基督教的“博爱”思想,原来还是一个“非我族类,其心必异”,还是赤裸裸的宣扬民族对立,你到底意欲何为?如果是个洋鬼子,那你就趁早shut up!

                    • 家园 即使不喜欢ysl。我却认为以色列的为恶是错的,


                    • 家园 除了维藏 中国人大体上都一样包括回 语音风俗习惯价值观

                      But SHIELD THEM FROM WAHHABISM.

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