
主题:欧洲将死,G-2当立! 立此存照--in Feb. -- parishg

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    • 家园 欧盟可能的反应。












      • 家园 今天看到一条消息:救希腊需要1200亿欧元!

        《中评社-大公报》希腊已成无底洞 万亿元续命


          评级机构标准普尔周三把希腊的评级降为垃圾级,导致全球金融市场大跌。为阻止希腊债务危机失控,欧盟将于五月十日召开高峰会议,届时或讨论加大挽救希腊的金额。外电引述国际货币基金总裁卡恩指出,若要完全拯救希腊,所需资金将高达1200亿欧元(1.2324万亿港元),较现时 450亿的拯救计划高出1.7倍。国际货币基金组织据称将向希腊增加100亿欧元贷款。受该消息影响,欧美股市昨得以喘息,美股早段曾反弹近50点,欧洲股市跌幅收窄。












      • 家园 well-expected: 而有组织的抵抗一旦停止,马


        that's well-expected by the American financial elites as well as the political elites.

        Europeans never learned from the lesson of 1932 banking collapse.

        • 家园 欧洲人不是不想,而是不能。根本原因是欧洲出没有过秦始皇。


    • 家园 希腊的经济及债务数据(来自Wiki)。不倒没天理啊。


      GDP $343 billion (nominal, 2008 est.)

      339.2 billion (PPP, 2008 est.)[1]

      GDP growth -2.0% (2009)[2]

      Exports $18.64 billion (2009 est.)

      Imports $61.47 billion (2009 est.)

      Gross external debt $552.8 billion (30 June 2009)

      Public finances

      Public debt $405.7 billion (125% of GDP)[4]

      Revenues $108.7 billion (2009 est.)

      Expenses $145.2 billion (2009 est.)

      Foreign reserves $3.473 billion (31 December 2008 est.)

    • 家园 update: kick out greece


      Hi! Come to see la belle... BTW, I think Sara is a jewish la belle.

      It is amazing that all Bloomberg female anchors are so smart and pretty at the same time.

    • 家园 update: Spain downgrade( fro

      Source: Marketwatch

      S&P downgrades Spain

      12:14p ET April 28, 2010 (MarketWatch)

      LONDON (MarketWatch) -- It was Spain's turn Wednesday to feel the heat from Standard & Poor's as the ratings agency cut the country's credit rating from AA+ to AA, pinning the decision on fears that an extended period of weak economic growth could damage the government's budget position.

      "We now believe that the Spanish economy's shift away from credit-fueled economic growth is likely to result in a more protracted period of sluggish activity than we previously assumed," said S&P credit analyst Marko Mrsnik.

      The outlook for Spain's credit rating is negative, S&P said.

      The move comes a day after S&P cut Greece's credit rating to junk status at BB+ and lowered Portugal's credit rating by two notches. Those moves amplified turmoil in southern European credit markets and heightened fears that Greece's deepening fiscal woes could transform into a full-blown debt crisis for the euro zone. Read about the earlier downgrades.

      Earlier Wednesday, European officials scrambled to reassure markets that an aid plan for Greece would soon be finalized. Talk that the size of the joint European Union-International Monetary Fund package could rise -- to more than 100 billion euros ($131 billion) over three years, rather than the 45 billion euro, one-year package currently under consideration -- helped calm extremely volatile southern euro-zone credit markets. Read about contagion fears.

      The Spanish downgrade renewed selling pressure on the euro , which fell to its lowest level against the dollar since April 2009, setting a 12-month low for the second consecutive session after having fallen Tuesday in the wake of the Greece downgrade.

      The currency remained 0.3% lower at $1.3141. See Currencies for more on action in the dollar and the euro.

      Regarding Spain, S&P said it now expects inflation-adjusted growth in gross domestic product to average 0.7% annually in 2010 to 2016, compared to previous expectations of more than 1%.

      Spain's economy continues to suffer from the implosion of a massive housing bubble.

      The ratings agency said it also had taken into account the possibility that borrowing costs in Spain's public and private sectors could remain elevated this year and in 2011, further slowing Spain's recovery from recession. Such a prospect wasn't factored into the agency's "base case" for Spain, however.

      Borrowing costs for other highly indebted euro-zone countries have risen amid fears the debt woes weighing on Greece could spread.

      S&P said it still expected Spain's 2010 fiscal deficit to remain in line with the government's target of 9.8% of GDP, adding that weaker revenues and higher spending are likely over the medium term. That means the deficit is likely to exceed 5% of GDP by 2013, according to S&P.

      The government has said it intends to cut its deficit to 3% of GDP -- the E.U.'s limit -- by that time.

      The agency also said its debt projections assume banks won't draw more than the 27 billion euros available in the government's bank-restructuring fund.

      S&P said it would revise its outlook for Spain's rating to stable if the government meets or exceeds its fiscal goals in 2010 and 2011 and Spain's economic growth exceeds the agency's expectations.

      • 家园 这些rating agency太扯了。中国才A+,比西。

        这些rating agency太扯了。中国才A+,比西班牙的AA低两级,比降级前的AA+低三级。。。

        • 家园 这很对啊



          • 家园 有道理!估计内部有些调整。比如有美军基地升三级,有核武器

            有道理!估计S&P, Moody等公司内部有些调整设置。比如该国有美军基地升三级,有核武器降五级,等等。

    • 家园 我认为我国应该趁此机会,帮希腊一把。




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