
主题:【读书笔记】滞胀的年代(上) -- wqnsihs

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            • 家园 主流观点流歪了


            • 家园 葡萄的判断



            • 家园 中美关系这也正是问题的焦点所在




            • 家园 多谢葡萄

              送花成功,可取消。有效送花赞扬。恭喜:你意外获得 4 铢钱。


        • 家园 通透啊



        • 家园 我给葡萄大一个信息。


          • 家园 对于不良资产管理来讲




            • 家园 since you are a banker

              I just want to point out that domestic chinese bankers are too confident in residential real estate loans (both individual and commercial development ones, what we call CRE here).

              I saw several pieces where bankers trashed industrial loans, but were overconfident in residential loans.

              China has not experienced a serious business downturn yet. Chinese bankers perceive real estate loas much safer than industrial loans--that could be a serious misperception.

              For long time in the English-speaking world, individual residential loans and CRE loans are perceived as one of the most dangerous type of loans. The history can date back to 1920s. The reason that FDR even established Fannie was because bankers refused to lend to individuals over LONG TERM for residential mortgage loans.

              that's a lesson learned over 150 years of banking in the North America: I think it is a well-tested lesson for China, who was just 30 years into its capitalistic experiment.

            • 家园 预测总是预测,但分析现状我们需要的还是目前的数据。


              • 家园 wrong

                First, CDS market warns the financial market long time ago. CDS players are Lehman's lending commercial bank. Info was leaked out long time ago.

                Second, Lehman's auditor is too loose. There is accounting problem.

                third, Lehman mini-bond sold to Asian investors are unnecessarily complicated with remote trusts to separate legal trouble from the parent firms. that mini-bonds were marketed by asshole Asian bankers (e.g., HSBC private banking, DBS private banking...) aggressively to innocent and stupid retail investors.

                Most investors did not even read the prospectus when they committed millions of dollar into Lehman mini-bonds.

                Fourth, Lehman, even without including its off-balance sheet liabilities, had very high leverage ratios (at least higher than several investment bank peers. And unlike JPMorgan Chase, it has no stable retail deposit base to support its liquidity needs in times of turmoil.

                Fifth, Lehman was killed by its heavy exposure to commercial real estate MBS. There was an active commercial real estate MBS market and you could see distress earlier.

                • wrong
                  家园 那只是个比喻。


                  • 家园 I see.

                    In US, we actually have half-publicly-disclosed info.

                    In China, I guess only regulatory insiders could see the aggregate bank info.

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