
主题:维基解密,线人被曝光 -- 火莲居士

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        • 家园 级别和贺卫方一样


          Ma Rong (protect), a Peking University

          sociologist who frequently advises the Communist

          Party's United Front Work Department (UFWD) on Tibet

          policy, described the Chinese leadership as under

          intense pressure from "Han nationalist" sentiment

          that has grown stronger due to recent years' ethnic

          unrest in Tibet and Xinjiang. The Chinese public,

          he told PolOff February 9, held very negative views

          of the Dalai Lama, blamed the Chinese government for

          being too soft on minorities, and did not support

          dialogue between the UFWD and the Dalai Lama's

          representatives (reftel). Adding to the pressure,

          high-ranking CCP leaders were preoccupied with

          jockeying for succession position in the run-up to

          the 18th Party Congress in 2012. In such an

          atmosphere, Ma argued, there was no tolerance within

          the leadership for moderate views on Tibet or

          minority policy. Much of the Chinese regime's

          recent international behavior, including its hard

          line against foreign leaders meeting the Dalai Lama,

          was driven primarily by this combination of domestic

          nationalistic pressure and competition for power.

          Ma said that China had adopted a policy of

          "warn, then punish" toward the POTUS-Dalai Lama

          meeting. He predicted that China's reaction would

          be more severe than following President Bush's

          attendance at the October 2007 Congressional Gold

          Medal ceremony for the Dalai Lama. Ma pointed to a

          February 2 statement by UFWD Executive Vice Minister

          Zhu Weiqun that there would be "serious damage"

          (yanzhong pohuai) to bilateral relations should U.S.

          leaders meet with the Dalai Lama. China's reaction

          would not be restricted to mere rhetoric, though he

          could only speculate about the specific steps China

          might take. Ma said China might show its

          displeasure over the meeting by reducing cooperation

          on security issues important to the United States.

          Domestically, China might choose to make high-

          profile arrests of Tibetan monks after the meeting

          and to increase punishments given to Tibetan

          political prisoners: "A sentence that would have

          been two years may become 10 years." Ultimately, Ma

          said, Tibetans would be the "victims" of the

          leadership's anger over the meeting.

          • 家园 这XX养的隐藏的够深的,真是人前一套,人后一套







      • 家园 这个链接里有被保护的名单


        我看到金灿荣了policy, according to well-known Beijing academic Jin Canrong

        (strictly protect). Last year\'s \"unprecedented\" Foreign

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