
主题:【原创】流行音乐考趣 -- 途人

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                  • 家园 【原创】8, 干杯的劲儿







                    作詞作曲:長渕剛/Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi, 韩裔日人


                    かたい絆に 思いをよせて

                    語り尽くせぬ 青春の日々

                    時には傷つき 時には喜び

                    肩をたたきあった あの日

                    あれから どれくらいたったのだろう

                    沈む夕陽を いくつ数えたろう

                    故郷の友は 今でも君の 心の中にいますか


                    大きな 大きな 舞台に立ち

                    遥か長い道のりを 歩き始めた



                    今こうして 目を細めてる

                    大きな喜びと 少しのさみしさを


                    明日の光を 身体にあびて

                    ふり返らずに そのまま行けばよい

                    風に吹かれても 雨に打たれても

                    信じた愛に 背を向けるな

                    所属专辑 NEVER CHANGE










                    关键词(Tags): #流行音乐#干杯
                    • 家园 【原创】9,战地传奇

                      1915, 一次大战, 诗歌Das Mdchen unter der Latern/路灯下的姑娘,

                      * 德国汉堡的教师Hans Leip (1893-1983)应征上前线前写下该诗,为怀念其人生中的两个女友莉莉與瑪蓮,特意在诗中将她们的名字组合成了一个名字Lili Marleen。

                      1937, 该首诗被收录于诗集《Die kleine Hafenorgel》中正式出版。

                      1938,Norbert Schultze谱曲,更名为Das Lied eines jungen Soldaten auf der Wacht/年轻士兵之歌

                      1939,德国歌女Lale Andersen灌录唱片首发,

                      1941, 德军攻占前南斯拉夫,通过贝尔格莱德电台向广大的南欧, 地中海和北非地区公开广播,


                      Lale Andersen版

                      从1941到1943,贝尔格莱德电台每天晚上9:55分准时播出此曲,为前线德国官兵所喜爱,广为流传, 并受到帝国元帅格林的欣赏, 由此还出现了军方版本。


                      党卫军SS冲锋队装甲军官团版/ SS Panzer division

                      1942,在北非同德军作战的英军士兵将此曲带回英国,英国诗人Tommy Connor为歌曲填写了英文歌词, 于是这首歌又在盟军中广为传唱

                      1943,流亡美国的德国歌星Marlene Dietrich/玛琳 迪特里希录制了爵士版, 由盟军在登陆反击的前线向德军反复播放。


                      此时, 由于德军东部战线受挫, 士气低迷, 纳粹宣传部长戈培尔认为爵士版过于萎靡颓废, 不利提升士气, 特别是在斯大林格勒失败后,遂下令禁止演唱这首歌了。

                      一首流行歌曲, 就这样成了战争两方面攻防心理战的工具, 实在是叹为观止。

                      1981年, 德国导演法斯宾德/Rainer Werner Maria Fassbinder以这首歌的故事为蓝本, 拍摄了电影Lili Marleen, 主演:Hanna Schygulla。






                      关键词(Tags): #流行歌曲#Lili Marleen
                      • 家园 德军这是四面楚歌啊,哦,是德歌。
                      • 家园 【原创】10, 星船组合和林老爹

                        呵呵,有点乱啊!主要是接触到这些东东的时间跨度太长, 还需要唤醒一些已经沉睡的记忆, 20年过去, 有些人和事已经可以完全的放下!举重若轻了....

                        为了忘却的纪念:80年代末,大革命轰烈之际, 以事不关己高高挂起之心情全身心的投入了另一场轰烈,初探人事,于春末夏初始, 至仲秋风渐寒时止,终不济。 唯此曲一以贯之耳,历时4月有余,是以为记。



                        Nothing's gonna stop us now, 1987, Apr. Billboard No.1



                        By: Albert Louis Hammond/Diane Eve Warran

                        Looking in your eyes I see a paradise

                        This world that Ive found

                        Is too good to be true

                        Standing here beside you

                        Want so much to give you

                        This love in my heart that Im feeling for you

                        Let em say were crazy, I dont care about that

                        Put your hand in my hand baby

                        Dont ever look back

                        Let the world around us just fall apart

                        Baby we can make it if were heart to heart


                        And we can build this dream together

                        Standing strong forever

                        Nothings gonna stop us now

                        And if this world runs out of lovers

                        Well still have each other

                        Nothings gonna stop us, nothings gonna stop us now

                        Im so glad I found you

                        Im not gonna lose you

                        Whatever it takes I will stay here with you

                        Take it to the good times

                        See it through the bad times

                        Whatever it takes is what Im gonna do

                        Let em say were crazy, what do they know

                        Put your arms around me baby

                        Dont ever let go

                        Let the world around us just fall apart

                        Baby we can make it if were heart to heart

                        And we can build this dream together

                        Standing strong forever

                        Nothings gonna stop us now

                        And if this world runs out of lovers

                        Well still have each other

                        Nothings gonna stop us, nothings gonna stop us

                        Ooh, all that I need is you

                        All that I ever need

                        And all that I want to do

                        Is hold you forever, ever and ever, hey

                        (guitar solo)

                        And we can build this dream together

                        Standing strong forever

                        Nothings gonna stop us now

                        And if this world runs out of lovers

                        Well still have each other

                        Nothings gonna stop us

                        Nothings gonna stop us, whoa

                        Nothings gonna stop us now, oh no

                        Hey baby, I know, hey baby, nothings gonna stop us

                        Hey baby, woo, nothing, hey baby

                        Nothings gonna stop us now yeah


                        敢爱敢做/林子祥, 1988,《花街70号》专辑






                        关键词(Tags): #流行音乐#Starship#林子祥
                        • 家园 【原创】11, 对爱上瘾

                          谢谢回复,我测试了一下, 无法打开的原因恐怕是长城的关系, 到现在为止,我的视频均取自油管,一是查找比较方便, 二则不知道河里是否兼容?!现在来尝试一下关内的视频站,只是需要忍受那些片头广告了,看见看不见的都请吱个声!


                          Addicted to Love/对爱上瘾

                          Robert Palmer, 1986 原创


                          (女版)Tina Tuna, 1988


                          (港版)上瘾,林子祥, 1988《花街70号》专辑


                          By: Robert Palmer

                          Your lights are on, but you're not home

                          Your mind is not your own

                          Your heart sweats, your body shakes

                          Another kiss is what it takes

                          You can't sleep, you can't eat

                          There's no doubt, you're in deep

                          Your throat is tight, you can't breathe

                          Another kiss is all you need

                          Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

                          It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

                          You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love

                          You see the signs, but you can't read

                          You're runnin' at, a different speed

                          You heart beats, in double time

                          Another kiss, and you'll be mine a one track mind

                          You can't be saved

                          Oblivion is all you crave

                          If there's some left for you

                          You don't mind if you do

                          Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

                          It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

                          You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love

                          Might as well face it, you're addicted to love


                          Your lights are on, but you're not home

                          Your will is not your own

                          You're heart sweats and teeth grind

                          Another kiss and you'll be mine

                          Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

                          It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

                          You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love

                          Might as well face it, you're addicted to love




                          关键词(Tags): #Addicted to Love#上瘾#流行音乐
              • 家园 有意思


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