
主题:亚洲第二次金融危机将展开 -- parishg

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          • 家园 【转帖】洋葱成印度政府噩梦


          • 家园 咖喱需要洋葱么?




            • 家园 参考维基百科

              一位咖哩權威作家Brent Thompson對咖哩曾寫下這麼一段話:在印度curry一詞,並不是真正被使用如我們所認知的一般,除非你專指的是普遍存在於印度,但由英國人歸類,把包含著薑、大蒜、洋蔥、薑黃、辣椒及油所烹煮的湯或燉菜,其大多為黃色,紅色,多油,味辛辣且濃郁。而今日我們所熟知的咖哩則普遍被定義為由新鮮或乾燥香料以油炒香,並加入洋蔥泥,大蒜,薑一起熬煮。其中香料並沒有一定限制,大多有辣椒,小茴香,香菜及薑黃等。

          • 家园 不只洋葱,粮油也是


    • 家园 克鲁格曼又对你的观点辟谣了


      • 家园 this guy is well known for

        distorting academic research to fit his personal political agenda/inclination.

        He cited net external debt burden, rather than the gross one. Selective reporting here.

        He did not mention India's foreign currency reserve/import ratio, which he is well aware of as a macro-economist. Why not talk about oil import, rising oil prices, fast depreciating domestic currency, on-the-brink runaway inflation...


        • 家园 你的预测未必准







          • 家园 这都是什么比喻。。。唉
          • 家园 兄弟,能否以后

            多用一些economic indicator,具体的数据来论证?不要想当然好不好。我可以理解满人的后代失去了鱼肉中华的能力,有人可以不爽,但这种一涉及中国就否定的样子有点过头了。中国有三万亿USD reserve,长期是current account surplus nation,与India 和其他ASEAN nations 很不一样。 跨起来要时间的。


            --In India's case, American institutional investors are the creditors. In China's case, China is the creditor and US gov. is the largest debtor. For God's sake, please DO read some newspapers...

            BTW, Quebec is a very "distictive" and unique nation with more than 25% gov. revenue from Canadian Federal transfer funds. The economy/tax revenue is heavily reliant on three gov-controlled enterprises: Hydro-Quebec, Loto, and SAQ. And the last Quebec manufacturing firm that I can remember is Bombardier, whose bank loans are heavily subsidized with provincial gov. guarantees.

            It is a spoiled child with all kinds of weird socialist policies, but irresponsible fiscal/financial practices. Even the Ministry of Finance has a special report on the unsustainable public finance issue. The warning signs are everywhere in this province with all the crumbling infrastructure.

            So next time when you introduce America or North America to Chinese audience, PLEASE, PLEASE, do NOT extrapolate from your experience in Montreal to all North America.

            BTW, do not attack Chinese Canadians/Americans with your experience in Montreal too: because your sample is too small and TOO UNIQUE. Thanks.

            • 家园 Quebec 的确面对着问题


              • 家园 page 29, table 12


                It is in the same league with Greece.

                all comparison must be on the same measurement basis. Experts know how bad the situation is. They just shut up and let those drunken fools go on with their crazy party.

                Why PQ loves to go independent? Not for independence AT ALL, just to rip off fellow Canadians once more.

                Low interest rate environment is over and gov. bond term structure is going up: medium/long-term fed. gov. rates are going up in Canada. So will be the rates for Quebec and Ontario bonds. Both will see interest service cost rise in their next year's budget: shocking surprises and new budget cuts.

                BTW, one reason why Quebec feels so good is that its difference with Ontario, its archirival, is shrinking over years.

                What people do not realize is that Ontario has been and is already on a path of low growth, de-industrialization and real estate/financial speculation for almost 7 years. They converge not because Quebec is shining, but because Ontario is lagging behind the western provinces, esp., Alberta.

                • 家园 所以要给杂货店装税控机机了



                • 家园 想问一下,这是否意味着银行利率将很快上升?


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