
主题:【纪事】鼓起勇气去要账 -- landlord

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    • 家园 支持地主要钱。过年了,地主家也没余粮啊

      对俺来说,每天工作0~2小时是正常的工作时间;2~4小时算是“比较努力”;4~6小时是 “非常努力”;6小时以上的工作日,屈指可数啊。

    • 家园 good luck!
    • 家园 摇旗呐喊,加油打气~



    • 家园 请教一下地主



      俺现在开始做测试, 每个case都得自己想自己写, 实在太愚蠢了。

    • 家园 地主还给人打长工? 这帐俺算不过来了. 呵呵
    • 家园 Man you needa do your homework


      你现在要长钱,原因不是你不喜欢这家公司,而是你认为 you're being under paid. As such, any actions you're gonna take should be in your best interest. They should by no means become a mere ventilation of your emotions. Emotions do nothing but alienating yourself from the employer, thereby acting against both yours and the employer's best interests.

      To avoid such a lose-lose situation you need to have the right attitude or mindset to start with. You need to say to yourself: Man, the company has no idea how much it underpays me and the fact that it's losing one of its most valuable employees. I need to help the company realize these.

      With the right mindset, now you needa take actions --- do your homework; and do it well.

      Go Google some websites where you could find salary estimates of similar positions (with similar job title and level of responsibility). Your previous salary can also be a reference but that's not enough. Also it doesn't fully reflect the current 'fair market value'. You need more evidences, and more updated ones, to really make your argument a compelling business case.

      More often than not, your direct supervisors really like to give you a big salary increase. But the company's rules prevent them from doing so. Yet those rules can be broken. If you can provide reasonable evidences of the fair market value, plus a list of your achievements , contributions, esp. those extra contributions above and beyond expectations, as well as your great potentials, then you can make your case very strong. That way you'll significantly increase your chances of getting a salary increase.

      All the very best luck to you!

      • 家园 关于rules那条

        不知道地主在大公司还是小公司,小公司也许灵活些,大公司很难. 象我现在的单位,破规矩很难。前段时间部门大头儿还说起来,从外边儿招个新人进来,给价儿高点儿,和每年长工资,钱来自不同的pool,前者要灵活的多,后者很难挤出空间。所以啊,跳槽的时候工资待遇头衔这些,能要就要。等成了人家的人,就很难坐上driver's seat了。

        • 家园 多谢二位

          正如煮酒说的,“under paid”将是我这次交涉的关键词。




          本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
          • 家园 建议说个谎话

            既然确实拿到过高薪offer,就假装这个offer还没失效,你正在考虑。理论上只有make your threat real,对方才会真正感到压力。否则,即使你提出转回高薪合同工,对方也未必答应。



            • 家园 to advance career

              钱并不是考虑的全部,跳来跳去的打短工,工资可能长的快,对爬corporate ladder帮助不大。

              • 家园 这个好像有一定道理


          • 家园 香饽饽啊


    • 家园 上花支持地主!和资本家闹到底!


    • 家园 涨了以后别忘看看是不是真涨了
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