
主题:教你一步步反藏独 - 新添西藏人口、教育等内容4/07 -- atene

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家园 我们或许可以说,有Chinatown的地方都是我们的


家园 花顶!
家园 最后一个从拉萨撤离的西方记者在CNN的访谈

Transcript: James Miles interview on Tibet


What I saw was calculated targeted violence against an ethnic group, or I should say two ethnic groups, primarily ethnic Han Chinese living in Lhasa, but also members of the Muslim Hui minority in Lhasa. And the Huis in Lhasa control much of the meat industry in the city. Those two groups were singled out by ethnic Tibetans. They marked those businesses that they knew to be Tibetan owned with white traditional scarves. Those businesses were left intact. Almost every single other across a wide swathe of the city, not only in the old Tibetan quarter, but also beyond it in areas dominated by the ethnic Han Chinese. Almost every other business was either burned, looted, destroyed, smashed into, the property therein hauled out into the streets, piled up, burned. It was an extraordinary outpouring of ethnic violence of a most unpleasant nature to watch, which surprised some Tibetans watching it. So they themselves were taken aback at the extent of what they saw. And it was not just targeted against property either. Of course many ethnic Han Chinese and Huis fled as soon as this broke out. But those who were caught in the early stages of it were themselves targeted. Stones thrown at them. At one point, I saw them throwing stones at a boy of maybe around 10 years old perhaps cycling along the street. I in fact walked out in front of them and said stop. It was a remarkable explosion of simmering ethnic grievances in the city.


I saw them carrying traditional Tibetan swords, I didn't actually see them getting them out and intimidating people with them. But clearly the purpose of carrying them was to scare people. And speaking later to ethnic Han Chinese, that was one point that they frequently drew attention to. That these people were armed and very intimidating.


In fact what we saw, and I was watching it at the earliest stages, was complete inaction on the part of the authorities. It seemed as if they were paralyzed by indecision over how to handle this. The rioting rapidly spread from Beijing Road, this main central thoroughfare of Lhasa, into the narrow alleyways of the old Tibetan quarter. But I didn't see any attempt in those early hours by the authorities to intervene.

And what they did instead was let the rioting run its course and it didn't really finish as far as I saw until the middle of the day on the following day on the Saturday, March the 15th.

Well this was covering a vast area of the city and I was the only foreign journalist, at least accredited, to ...... But I can do no more really on the basis of what I saw then say there was a probability that some ethnic Chinese were killed in this violence, and also a probability that some Tibetans, Tibetan rioters themselves were killed by members of the security forces. But it's impossible to get the kind of numbers or real first hand evidences necessary to back that up.

But what I saw was small groups of Tibetans, and this was on the second day of the protests, throwing stones towards what I assumed to be, and they were slightly out of vision, members of the security forces. I would hear and indeed smell occasional volleys of Tear gas fired back. There clearly was a small scale clash going on between Tibetans and the security forces. But on the second day things had calmed down generally compared with the huge rioting that was going on...on the Friday. And the authorities were responding to these occasional clashes with Tibetans not by moving forward rapidly with either riot police and truncheons and shields, or indeed troops with rifles. But for a long time, just with occasional, with the very occasional round of tear gas, which would send and I could see this, people scattering back into these very, very, narrow and winding alleyways.

On the second day we came back to the shops and I saw them picking through the wreckage, tears in their eyes. They were astonished, as I was, at the lack of any security presence on the previous day. I



关键词(Tags): #西藏资料
家园 揭露西方煤体不公正报道的视频




家园 花楼主,这可是好贴!
家园 楼主RP好呀






家园 西方媒体在拉萨事件报道上太恶心了


家园 .
家园 一小撮藏族分裂分子,藏族有五百多万,捣蛋的就是那一批
家园 不是






Christian Stöcker


这是一场头脑的斗争,波及到了一天的24小时,波及到了全世界。眼下,一场激烈的争论正在上演,从一个人到另一个人,从一个大陆到另一个大陆,从文字、 图片,到音乐、视频,一切宣传手段都派上了用场。西藏危机,在互联网上掀起了千层浪:几日之间,网上诞生了一种新的、饶有兴趣的辩论文化。这与文化悲观主 义所设想的场景——眼下德国正有某些预言家将之与互联网挂起钩来——可谓大相径庭。

比如说,Youtube的用户NZKOF在上面上传了一段宣传造势的视频:在激昂的管弦乐伴奏下,这一视频展示了西藏的历史,其中不乏印有所谓事实证据 的文献碑刻,来展示西藏与中国的关系。NZKOF站在哪一边,可谓不言而喻——人们甚至无需观看这段7分钟的视频,因为视频的题目是,“西藏过去是、现在 是,将来也永远是中国的一部分”。约有1百万人观看了这段视频。每秒钟都会有新的评论添加进来,目前共有7万余条。

类似的舆论造势和挑衅,网上大约有100多个——双方都有。这些视频是新式舆论大战的结晶。最先从西藏流传出的拍摄的模模糊糊的街道场景,已可证实,最 近Youtube上汇聚传播的图片之多,没有任何地方可以匹敌,但是,它们的真实性及其真正的意义所在,却让人难以判断。

一段最新的视频将矛头对准了西方媒体,其中也包括《明镜》,它指责西方媒体运用大量虚假图片标题和虚假录像来为自己煽动造势。但是如果仔细考察一下的 话,就不难发现这些指责才是在搞舆论煽动。貌似忠于政府的集团分子,在留言栏中欢呼高叫。引人注意的是,大量Youtube的新注册用户,都是3月17号 或以后才注册的,而且他们只对那里的中国舆论造势视频感兴趣。

上一周,在明镜在线的论坛里,也不同寻常地同样出现了大量新注册的用户。许多新用户激烈地替中国政府在西藏的行为辩护——其他人则在反击。这些新来的讨 论者,部分可能是雇用来的造势力量,另一些则可能是中国的朋友,他们不愿意看到这个国家再次被称为全球邪恶势力的现实。

过去三天内,英文维基百科中与西藏有关的词条,被改动了上百次,有些是汪达尔似的(译者注:汪达尔人属日耳曼民族,公元四到五世纪入侵高卢、西班牙、北 非等地、并攻占罗马,后该词用来比喻野蛮,摧残文化等)——短时间内,他们已经将完整的词条解释,换成了对这个国家、喇嘛以及达赖的辱骂言辞。连达赖喇嘛 的俗家姓名——丹增嘉措,也遭到了他们勤勉不辍的修改。目前,这位诺贝尔和平奖的获得者,被称为了“独裁者”,在其统治下,人民遭到被剜去双眼的刑罚。还 有一些篡改更为愚笨粗俗。




家园 再加一个例子,世界最大的民主国家印度是怎样报道西藏事件的

西藏事件: 看印度媒体如何利用央视报道来歪曲造谣(ZT)

http:/Rediff 号称印度最大的新闻网站(相当于新浪网), 今天看到其新闻主页(http://www.rediff.com/news/index.html)头版上有条有条视频新闻 Tibetans vent their fury (藏人发泄怒火) (http://specials.rediff.com/news/2008/mar/17video.htm)

    打开一看, 真让人惊讶, 居然是拿我们中央电视台新闻的视频来造谣.




    我的心情是非常沉重的, 这些少数分裂分子他们搞的破坏活动, 这我们都是见证, 好日子不过, 小孩上学的也不让上, 正常的上班也不能上班, 破坏了我们的好日子...



    All the Tibetan people have gathered together yesterday on the street and the militery men come and fired some tear gas, some poisonous one, to us in the afternoon at 3 or 4PM and arrested about 10 or 20 people.

    (昨天所有的藏人都上街了, 下午3,4点钟的时候, 军队来朝我们喷有毒的催泪气体, 还抓了10几20个人)


    这段视频由号称南亚最好的多媒体新闻媒体公司 ANI (Asian News International) 制作给 rediff 使用.


    真是没见过这么无耻的, 他们就不怕印度也有人听得懂中文? 居然还打上标志 Courtesy:CCTV (引自CCTV)


家园 阿三,这事得跟着美国爹
家园 谢谢提供资料
家园 最新视频-7 Lies about Tibet & Dalai

Seven Lies about Tibet and His Holiness


(综合了不少“Dalai Lama and 9/11 - An Interview with Victor and Victoria Trimondi里的内容,揭穿美化的达赖和西藏农奴制,值得推荐和转贴。请多点击,加入你的favorite里,评5星。)



这里还有最近更新的西煤继续信口开河、胡说八道的报道截频集合,最新的有英国泰晤士报(Times on line)、法文报纸等。


关键词(Tags): #西藏资料
家园 学坏容易学好难


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