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主题:【原创】一场没有硝烟的战争:在《经济学人》留言板上发生的一场论战 -- 厚积薄发
必须要说明一下,偶上面的建议不是专门针对ECO的留言而提的,更多的是为在其它譬如CNN/BBC/NYT/PBS/WSJ/WASHINGTONG POST等地方的留言提供一个建议和思路。
Flower delivered.
shawnp220 wrote:
Dalai claims the Chinese killed 1 million Tibetans. Tibetan population was 1.2 million in 1950, has grown into 4.6 million in 1990. Let me tell you, with 1 millions killed and oversized monk population, even rats can’t mathematically make it happen.
MikeSpiker wrote:
Now, that's a good laugh you just provided to the on-line community. Only if the track record of "your American Revolution" has not been so grim, that perhaps others like the Chinese would listen more carefully without so much doubt. Your "revolution" wiped out nearly the entired native population, but yet you cried wolf about the Chinese in Tibet; Your revolutionh fought a bloody war agaisnt the South to maintain national unity, but yet, you deny such right for the Russians, the Yugoslavs, the Chinese, ... Your "revolution" is the only country that dropped nukes in civilian populations, yet you go around to look for others' WMD, your "revolution" was the only power using large scale chem warfare (Agent Orange), but yet, you hunt for "chemical Ali",... How do you expect folks like the Chinese wonder what the heck you are up to??
Look, China has a longway to go. No doubt. It is 60 years old as a nation. Hey, how was the USA when it was 60 years old? Someone counted almost 100 wars as the USA grew, taking land from the Spanish War, the Mexican War, ..., Marines landed and territory gained in places like Hawaii, Puorto Rico. Play a fair game.
Even using your logic, Rome has a greater claim to Europe than China does to Tibet.
eh, peewee,using your logic, you either pay the folks in the reservation monthly rent for the land you stole, or, pack and move back to Ireland. Come clean dude. Be the ultimate human rights fighter. Start with yourself.
SlaveOwnertheLama wrote:
There were about 10 yares of honey moon period between Dalai Lama and the communist party of China before 1959, during this 10 years nobody in Tibet including Dalai Lama protested "the invasion", why? because they are allowed to keep the salvery system as before, Tibet were part of China for hundres of years, that is why no protest were heard.
But the Chinese communist goverment did a stupid thing, they were real communist at that era, the principle of communism is to make everybody even, more and more of the slaves were liberated, the slave owner class's previlige rights were exploited to such a level that finally Dalai Lama found it unacceptable. that is cause why after the nearly 10 peaceful years, Dalai Lama want to fight against the communist party, if the Chinese goverment didn't liberate the slaves, Tibet would be a peaceful place just like it used to be in Qing, Ming and Yuan Dynasty.
alance wrote:
Harrison Salisbury's 1985 book on The Long March tells of how Mao and his followers - running for their lives from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's army and air force had to pass by a corner of Tibet. The Tibetans refused to sell them any food and shot at them, which did not endear them to the Chinese on the march in the mid 1930s.
When Chiang Kai-Shek was kicked off the mainland in 1949, the Chinese came back to Tibet to pay them a visit and to thank them for their hospitality.
bibisson wrote:
I do not envy Chinese at all! I do not care about your superior economic performance.
pseudotriton wrote:
Jawnie_Boy wrote:
"All the Chinese who live in the West now but support Beijing's brutality in China are the biggest hypocrits of all."
How is that hypocracy? You're telling me someone living in Denver cannot be a Dallas Cowboys' fan? Give me a break.
我经常读一些Guardian的文章。我不喜欢英国人,但是我发现他们比美国人要理性不知道多少。 Guardian的文章不一定很中立,但是他们的读者却都基本非常均衡,理性的观点一般都占优势。
结果让我把英国人的老底给揭了,我说麦克马洪线,耶路萨冷问题,克什米尔问题都是英国人搞的.然后跟他就以色列的问题进行和一番争论,他最后居然问我,耶路萨冷是谁的? 我说大概2000年以前是犹太人的,后来被罗马人搞定,再后来大概就是阿拉伯人了,结果他说既然2000年前犹太人在那里,为什么不让他们回去呢? 我差点晕倒.早知道这样我跟你讨论什么阿.
我岳父还跟我讨论苏格兰的问题,我说苏格兰和英格兰合并了300年了,怎么苏格兰还没有独立? 我说西藏成为中国的一部分已经700年了,我们现在不允许西藏独立,并不意味着未来我们不同意,等到中国民主了,全民公投决定西藏是否可以独立,如果公投通过那西藏就独立好了.