
主题:求助:简单的GIS软件(地理信息系统) -- 总公司

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家园 求助:简单的GIS软件(地理信息系统)

现在想找一种很简单的GIS软件。 我想输入一些地址, 只是城市、州(美国的),得到一张带有标记的地图就可以了。 请大家赐教。

家园 Just use photo edit software
家园 Try this.

I am not sure if this is what you need. But it looks very interesting.


家园 多谢两位。 问题是我有几千组数据在SAP里, 如果有PC

BASED的软件, 能够把数据导进去就好了。

家园 你最好先把SAP的数据输出来,比如ASIIC file, Excel



家园 You can also try MapObject


But I am not sure which one is cheaper, MapInfo or MapObject.

家园 Write ABAP program to export your

data to text file. Then import the text file into excel file with proper format. Then you can use MS MapPoint 2004 to import the excel file. I did that before.


1. For thousands of data, you map will very nasty unless you organize your data properly based on their attributes.

2. Not quite sure whehter you have the right to write and run ABAP program. If not, you might need try use SAP functions to do that. If you don't know how, I would suggest you consult with your SAP Basis Administrator or business function manager. They might have the right tools to do that job.

3. You can use VB to do programming on the data using MS MapPoint. But you need MS VB installed.

4. MS MapPoint is good for anaylzing data visually, but that's it unless you use VB. I am not quite sure your final purpose, so wouldn't have much to say.

Good luck and have fun...

家园 Maybe you should try another way

Most poeple will analyze the data first with SAP and export to excel file via pivotal tables. Then they creates reports based on these pivatal tables and may use MS MapPoint to illustrate geographical results...

Best approach is first getting the right result from SAP instead of getting everything from SAP system....

家园 Sorry I should start of asking

your purpose, what you have instead of give you unrelated answers...

Not mean to waste your time, just to save time for both of us....

家园 多谢HANGZHOU兄的指教!

我的原意是设计一个动态链接的系统, 增加/更改VENDOR, CUSTOMER和PLANT MASTER 以后, 自动生成/更新一个全景式的地图. 本来项目的目的在于建立基于供应链的TOTAL COST MODEL, 再加以优化 (倾向于减少存货/人力而增加运输成本. 如果有一个自动/半自动的地图, 将可以直观地讲解.

我知道SAP是有GIS合作伙伴的, 是基于AUTOCAD的, 十分复杂, 花费不小.

现在看起来, 由于时间和预算, 电子化是有心无力了. 改用传统的办法: 买美国地图一大张, 五彩按钉3盒, 我摁, 我摁 ... ...


家园 Sounds like a big challenge

Now I got the whole pictuer, but:

1. This task should be assigned to accountants or business analysts. But it's not a big deal, you still can do that and I figured that you knew how to do that already. That's basically a supply chain problem which should be addressed by ABC (activity based costing) method.

2. SAP have ABC model and it should be used for this purpose if you or your company know how to configure and run it. If you have that working, then you can easily get the solution easily. If not I think you should talk to your manager or CEO to seriously consider this since it can bring tremendous savings. Although implementing ABC accounting for chinese company is a quite challenge task, which is very well known issue.

3. Without that, you still can do that as long as you find the right cost drivers and variables for different products, warehouses and vendors. Then you can use spreadsheet and matrix calculation to find the optimal solutions.

4. How to present the result is always the last step and last focus. To manager and accountants, numbers are more important that graphic presentation.

5. MS MapPoint will not work since it doesn't have china map. I am not quite sure about autocad.

Anyhow, hope this helps you more. Good luck and have fun.

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