
主题:【原创】Wind beneath my wings -- 萨苏

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家园 老萨,节哀.
家园 多多保重!
家园 为了小魔女,保重
家园 节哀 保重
家园 保重!


家园 保重身体
家园 节哀顺变,保重!
家园 萨大,保重!
家园 节哀……老爷子一路走好……
家园 献花寄哀思



家园 节哀,萨兄
家园 在我们的心中,父亲永远是我们的英雄
家园 给萨一首歌

I'll see you in my dreams


Though the days are long

Twilight sings a song

Of a happiness that used to be

Soon my eyes will close (soon my eyes will close)

Soon I'll find repose

And in dreams, you're always near to me

I'll see you in my dreams

Hold you in my dreams

Someone took you out of my arms

Still, I feel the thrill of your charms

Lips that once were mine

Tender eyes that shine

They will light our way tonight

I'll see you in my dreams

In the dreary gray

Of another day

You are far away and I am blue

Still I hope and pray (still I hope and pray)

Through each weary day

For it brings the night and dreams of you

I'll see you in my dreams

Hold you in my dreams

Someone took you out of my arms

Still, I feel the thrill of your charms

Lips that once were mine

Tender eyes that shine

They will light our way tonight

I'll see you in my dreams

They will light our way tonight

I'll see you in my dreams



家园 虽然现在刚看到,也向老爷子那一辈人致敬
家园 致哀。虽然世界晚了




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