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主题:“王海大队”震敌胆 (ZT) -- A9418
这是苏联的"ACES" 尖子飞行员的成绩单. 最下面的表中, 毛估估就杀了250.
Soviet Aces in the Korean war
According to Soviet Military Interventions Since 1945 by Schmid, Soviet Union evaded direct involment in the Korean War. It has made large deliveries of tanks, trucks and artillery, yet well before invasion materialized it sharply reduced the number of its military advisers in North Korea. According to american intelligence estimates Soviet Union introduced some 20-25,000 troops into North Korea only after the front had stabilized, and they did not participate in serious fighting.
This does not imply that some number of military advisers were kept in the Korea at all times, including pilots.
From: Ulrich Eckel ([email protected])
My statistics here came from an article in the Sept-Oct 1994 issue of Command magazine and the TV series "Wings of the Red Star". The 64th Fighter Aviation Corps was sent to fight in Korea in Nov 1950. They performed very well, shooting down over 1,300 UN aircraft of all types while losing only 345 of their own. 16 Soviet pilots made ace, with the top scorer being Evgeni Pepelyaev with 23 kills. This info comes from the magazine article, and the author got his info from various US and Russian publications. The 2:1 MiG-15 vs. F-86 statistic is from the "Red Star" series. It should be mentioned that American and Soviet info do not contradict each other with regards to kill tallies. Only if an American plane is brought down over the combat area was it counted as a "loss". U.S. Air Force does not count planes damaged beyond repair or forced to land on the way home. The Soviets do, so their figures are naturally higher with regards to kills.
This makes sense because MiG-15 is considered the better plane. Its just that Chinese and North Korean pilots were SO bad that the US could score a 13:1 kill ratio against them. Many US and Soviet pilots were veterans of World War II. Most of the Soviet pilots sent to Korea were veterans and aces, including Ivan Kozhedub, 3-time Hero of the Soviet Union with 62 German kills to his credit. So pilot quality was even (since USSR sent almost exclusively elite pilots, you could even say that man-for-man they were superior). In addition to their good scores against enemy fighters, the Soviet pilots were the primary reason the US stopped using B-29 bombers (US first switched from day to night bombing and, after 1951, hardly used them at all).
From: [email protected] (Al Bowers)
These are from Jon Eckel and David Lednicer, respectively.
>16 Soviet pilots of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps made ace.
>The highest scoring was Evgeni Pepelyaev, with 23 confirmed kills (12
>F-86s, 6 F-80s, 4 F-84s, and one F-94. Most of the Soviet pilots that
>were sent to Korea were veterans or aces of World War II. Ivan Kozhedub,
>a 3-time Hero of the Soviet Union with 62 German kills to his credit, was
>one of those sent.
>The 64th was secretly sent to fight in the Korean War in Nov
>1950. They did quite well, shooting down 1,300 UN aircraft of all types
>while losing only 345 of their own. MiG-15s piloted by Soviets outscored
>the F-86 guys at around 2:1. However, MiGs in the hands of North Korean
>and Chinese pilots were knocked down at something like 13:1 by the USAF.
>There doesn't seem to be any Chinese or Korean aces.
>I don't have all the details of this but there is supposedly a lot
>of good info on this in the Oct 1990 through May 1991 issues of Aviatiya
>i Kosmonavtika. If there is anyone who can read Russian who has access
>to these, I'd like to know more details. The 28 December 1991 edition of
>Krasnaya Zvezda should contain some info, too.
I came across the following article on Soviet Aces in Korea:
Soviet Air Aces of the Korean War
by Igor N. Gordelianow
Recently, a distinguished Soviet airmen has told of his participation in the Korean War from 1952-53. This war started as a conflict between North and South Korean, but in a short time both the USSR and the USA were drawn into the battle. Alexandr Pavlovich Smortzkow was born in 1919. During the Korean War he served as the comra artder of the 18th Air craft Regiment. He was decorated with the "Gold Star" order for his service in the Korean War. He is also a "Hero of the Soviet Union" and at the present time he is a retired Colonel. He gave the following interview to a reporter of the Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda: "in June 1950, I was flying MiG-15 out of Moscow when the commander of the Moscow Air Defense (PVO), General Colonel K. Moscalenko, informed me of the arrival of top secret orders concerning the conflict in Korea. The signal to initiate the orders, "Polikarpov Po-2 in Flight" had been received and we were to board a secret train at night to travel to the Far East. When we arrived in the Far East, we found the weather to be very bad; heavy tropical downpours such as I have never experienced in my lifetime. Many ducks were swimming on our airfield. First we operated from Mukdan airbase, but after a few days our 18-aircraft regiment was transferred to Andun airbase. "Our first flights were in formation with MiG - 15s from other regiments: 24 MiG-15 in three groups of eight aircraft. We were dressed in Chinese uniforms and our aircraft carried Chinese insignia. Initially, we were ordered to speak only Korean over the radio. Since most Russian pilots did not know Korean and we had to use Korean dictionaries for even the simplest words necessary for fighting and flying, as you can imagine, this order was soon abolished. "Our attitudes towards the American pilots were complicated. During the Second World War, we had been allies against Hitler. Therefore, in Korea, we did not view the Americans as enemies, but only as opponents. Our motto in the air was 'Competition - with whomever.' "Americans attacking North Korea in our area had two main targets: The bridges across the Yalunczyan River and the Andun power station which was supplying electrical power to North Korea. Our pilots protected these two objectives with great success. Out first aerial victory was scored by Akatow who shot down an F-86 Sabre. This free pilot later died of wounds suffered in combat; he had only one aerial victory. Also killed was my friend Valentin Filimonow who was shot down when two F-86 Sabres attacked his MiG-15. "My opinions about the relative abilities of Soviet and American aircraft and pilots were as follows: I thought the American pilots were very good. This opinion was shared by other Soviet pilots including my friends Vladimir Voistinnych and Pete Chourkin. However, the MiG-15 was a very good aircraft. It had only one big problem - the engine would stop abruptly during a sharp turn. As for the American aircraft: the F-80 Shooting Star was not very good, the F-84 Thunderjet was average, but the F-86 Sabre was very good. "One day we attacked a group of Australian Gloster Meteors. They were a big, easy targets for us. My friend Oskin and I destroyed five Meteors during this one fight. "One night we intercepted B-29 Superfortresses. I was listening to my radio - 'Group of B-29s in front of you!' I dove my MiG-15 with my heart pounding. Soon I saw the B-29s with many protecting fighters. I attacked and destroyed two B-29s and one of the escorting Sabres. Over my radio came the question: 'Alexandr! How are you getting on?' I answered with a furious 'Victory! It's O.K.!' That night our regiment destroyed five B-29s." Alexandr Smortzkow finished the Korean War with 12 victories (5 B-29, 2 F-86, and 5 Meteors.
Ivan Kozedub, the great Soviet ace of the Second World War (62 victories) and "Hero of the Soviet Union" with three "Gold Stars", was the commander of all the Soviet fighter regiments in Korea. He did not fly in Korea, but his regiments accounted for 258 viaories.
Other Soviet Aces of the Korean War:
Nikolay Shkodin: 5 victories (4 F-86 and one F-84G). During the war he flew 150 combat missions. He is presently a General-Major retired.
Yevgeny Pepelyaev: with 23 victories, he was the top Soviet ace in the Korean War. He was known as the "Big night boy".
Anatoly Karelin: 9 victories (all B-29s destroyed at night during "Free Hunter" missions.
Other Soviet aces were:
Nikolay Ivanov (6 F-86), Mikhail Mihin (9 F-86), Nick Sutyagin (23 victories), L. Schukin (more than 10 victories), and D. Oskin (more than 10 victories).
Other Soviets with more than 10 victories were: G. Pulov, G. Ohay, S. Veshnyakov, G. Ges, A. Boytzow, and D. Samaoylov.
Alexandr Smortzkow's interview concluded: "Before my last flight of the War, my division commander ordered that we were to attack Sabres and then fly back to the USSR. On this flight, I was wounded in the leg. Back in the USSR, I learned that an American pilot with the Russian name, Makhonin, had been captured along with his brand new F-86. It was interesting to study his aircraft up close. "Thus, the war was finished for us. However, many of my good friends had perished in Korea and they were buried at Port Artur."
Igor M. Gordelianow (SAFCH #1066), ul. Strijskaja 179 kw.68, Lvowskaja obl., g. Drogobych, 293720 Ukraina.
Small Air Forces Observer vol. 17 no. 1 (65) January, 1993
From: Andrew Mikhailov ([email protected])
...I'm sending you ... list of Soviet aces [which] I composed basing on the russian press of recent years. This list may have [few errors] ... because ... facts are different in various sources. I'm not sure that [this list] contains all ... Soviet aces, but it [does] the greater part of them:
Name Kills Comments
Sutyagin N V 21+2 (21 personal and 2 in group)
Pepelyaev Ye G 19 (and 4 more Pepelyaev's kills was recorded on his wingman score)
Smortzkow A P 15
Schukin L K 15
Oskin D P 14 (or 11 on another sources)
Ponomaryov M S 14 (or 11 on another sources)
Kramarenko S M 13
Sutzkow 12
Sheberotov N K 12
Bakhayev S A 11
Dokashenko N G 11
Ohay G U 11 (and 6 in WW2)
Pomaz 11
Samoylov D A 10
Milaushkin M S 10
Pulov G I 10 (or 8 on another sources)
Mihin M I 9
Subbotin S P 9
Zabelin N V 9
Ges G I 8 (or 9 on another sources)
Fedorets S A 7 confirmed and 1 unconfirmed - unconfirmed victory is downing of the best of American aces McConnell plane on 12.04.53.
Babonin N N 7
Zaplavnev I M 7
Ivanov L M 7 (not Nikolay Ivanov from your list who have 3 cofirmed kills 1 unconfirmed kill and 2 damaged planes)
Bokatz B V 6
Vishnyakov S F 6
Zameskin N M 6
Nikolayev A P 6
Nikulin P F 6
Boitsov A S 6
Hvostontsev V M 6
Abakumov B S 5
Bashman A T 5
Belousov V I 5
Berelidze G N 5
Bogdanov G I 5
Gerasimenko N I 5
Danilov S D 5
Dmitryuk G F 5
Karelin A M 5
Korniyenko N L 5
Kochegarov A M 5
Lepikov V L 5
Naumenko S I 5
Obraztsov B A 5
Olenitsa 5
Prudnikov 5
Siskov B N 5
Shelamanov N K 5
Shkodin N I 5 (or 3 on another sources)
Al Bowers compiled a list of US Korean aces which comes handy for comparison reasons. Also see related page from Knowledge Adventure Online.
其实现在在历史问题上,做数字的能耐海外比海内要厉害,原因正在于把这个当作政治斗争工具了。确实有一些海外的人士作的数字很不像话,让人瞠目结舌,特别是中国人自己看了无法相信,我就常心想这种睁着眼睛说自己都不信的瞎话有何价值,后来才明白,那个不是给中国人看的,是唬美国人的。。。 无独有偶,这和当年文革宣传美国人民多么水深火热一样,美国人民也无法相信,原来不是给美国人看的,是给中国人看的。
韩德彩中将: 那时我们已经知道美国人有丰富的经验。他们大多数都飞了2000或3000小时,而中国飞行员只有差不多100小时的飞行经验。另外,我们的飞机性能也不是很好。我们知道如果使用传统的战术,肯定会失败。我们必须利用位置的优势,也要利用美国飞行员的失误。如果我们在低空格斗而美国人向下俯冲,我们都不会跟着俯冲。我们将保持高度,并且等待。一旦他们拉起来接近我们时,我们就会处在更靠近他们的位置以便攻击。我一共打下来5架敌机,只除了一次外,每次我都是利用美国飞行员的失误取得的胜利。那唯一的例外是一架F-86刚好飞到了我们编队里,很容易就把它打下来了。
H: 在取得头两个战果后,我到后方改装米格-15比斯战斗机。然后返回前线对付F-86。
H: 并没有多大的不同。唯一真正不一样的是副翼的操纵系统。在米格-15上用的是气压,而米格-15比斯用的是液压,操纵杆更省力。
H: 如果有选择,我希望是在高空。F-86的转弯性能非常出色。在米格-15完成360度转弯的时间里,F-86能完成一个半的盘旋。F-86的前缘襟翼给予其出色的转弯性能。而且,F-86的发动机有加力。我们往往发现F-86还在远处,一阵烟从它们后面冒出来,然后一下子就接近了我们。但在高空,由于米格-15和米格-15比斯比F-86轻,所以在爬升时的速度损失比F-86少。总的来讲,F-86的速度和转弯性能比米格机好,总体性能更好些。F-86唯一的不足是它的武器。它只有.5口径的机枪,而我们的是37和23MM机炮。
MH: 你的下一个战果是在什么时候取得的?
H: 我在1953年1月26日打下了第一架佩刀,又在3月26日打下了另一架,第三架佩刀是在4月7日击落的。
H: F-80一直试图避免空战;而F-86却在寻求和我们战斗。F-86的飞行员们有很强的攻击性,他们想尽可能多地和我们作战。一旦他们和我们接触上,我们唯一能避开的办法就是爬升。如果保持以5度的仰角爬升,佩刀就会被我们甩在后面。我们对美国人的一种战法很不认同。他们在我们基地四周猎杀我们返航降落的战斗机。按中国人的想法,这是不公平的战斗。当佩刀发动攻击时,我们的飞机正在减速降落中。我们认为如果你们真的想和我们战斗,就应该在前线和我们碰面,而不是这样。
H: 那个美国飞行员在我们小队向右转的同时也向右转。我当时是
H: 这是我第一个F-86战果,但在这之前我已经和佩刀式接触过好几次了。开始,当他们找机会接近我们时,我们就留在高空避免战斗。这是第一阶段。在第二阶段,和佩刀式有过接触并发现他们的一些弱点后,我们就尝试着抓住他们。
H: 那一次可不象第一架F-86那么简单。当时,美国战斗机用一种战术引我们出来。他们用小编队的战斗机吸引我们,如果我们追击,他们就把我们引导大编队那里好击落我们。我遇到两架孤立的F-86,跟在他们的后面。在我们做机动时,其中的一名美国飞行员犯了个错误。通常,当佩刀发现被米格跟在后面而做转弯时,他们大多都向左做一个水平转弯。只要佩刀呆在一个水平面上,米格机是很难咬住他们的。但那个飞行员却做了个爬升转弯,我咬住他,将其击落。
H: 在其它那些和佩刀式的战斗中,我击伤过他们,自己也被打中过。具个例子,1953年7月19日的一场空战中,我对一架佩刀打完了所有的弹药。我击中了它,但它没有掉下去。我可以看见它损坏的很严重,但是我们却没能确认击伤了它。在空战中,胜利通常都是由照相枪的照片确认的。但这并不可靠。我的飞机有好几次都被打中过--一次是安定面,另一次是空气制动器,还有一次是油箱。炮弹就在油箱里爆炸了。如果美国人在照相枪的照片上看到这个,他们肯定会以为我的飞机被击落了。
H: 那是在1953年4月7日,当美国人的F-86向我们的米格机靠近时,天上同时有中国和俄国的飞行员。一名美国飞行员,后来我得知那是费席尔,选了架苏联人的米格机作目标。当他在追逐那架飞机时,突然发现一架中国的米格机正好处在他前面。他立刻做出反应,朝那架中国的米格机开火。那是我们的指挥官,张(或昌?原文只给了姓氏,无全名--vagary注)。费席尔打中了他的发动机。在那刻很短的时间里,我们三架战斗机飞成了一条直线,最前面的是张的米格机,跟在后面的是费席尔,而我又在费席尔的后面。我们三架飞机靠得很近,--三架机间隔的总长度不足600米。当费席尔发觉我在他后面时,立刻向左做了个急转,接着又向右做了个急转。象个拉长的S形那样做机动,但这并没能帮助他。他的高度太低了。我们的高度大约是600米,而下面群山的海拔就有400米。所以留给费席尔作机动的空间只有大概200米左右。他不得不爬升到我处的高度,这就给我了射击的机会。费席尔掉在了鸭绿江中国这一侧,靠近丹东。他落在中国境内大约50公里。
H: 这场空战说明美国飞行员的技术的确比中国飞行员的好。费席尔就是个很好的例子。在他最后的这次战斗中,本打算追击一架苏联的米格机,但突然看见了另一架中国的米格机在他前面。这是个很小的机会,稍纵即逝,但是他能立刻做出反应,开火并打中了米格机的引擎。他的这种能力显示他的确比中国飞行员强。
H: 毛主席说过人才是战争中最关键的因素,而不是机器。如果这个人很勇敢,他能把飞机的性能发挥得比原有的更好。你可以有一架很好的战斗机,但如果没有大无畏的精神,则必将失败。
H: 他的引擎完全被打坏了。但他随后还是把飞机降落在了机场上。这场战斗离我们的机场很近,如果不是这样,我们肯定会失去张的。
H: 我在中国境内只打下了费席尔,也是我战后唯一会过面的飞行员。我后来得知费席尔当时已经在佩刀式上飞了500小时,而且总飞行时间超过了3000小时。
H: 我继续飞行。在1959年国庆时,我带领一个中队飞过天安门接受检阅。这是极大的荣誉。我担任了8年的飞行大队长,又在一个航空师副师长的职位上干了10年。担任指挥职务的这18年对我来说是非常珍贵的。然后,我被任命为南京军区空军副司令员。又干了10年。
H: 我飞过的最好的飞机是米格-15比斯。当我带队飞过天安门时,飞的是米格-19,那是最难飞的机种。
H: 我在52岁那年就不再被允许飞行。在不得不停飞后我感到很不适应。如果不能再飞行,我甚至不愿再看到飞机。直到现在,我仍然对飞机保持些距离。我想我还能飞,因为飞行对我来说是非常容易的。
H: 我开始练习书法。我向很多有名的书法家们学习。我用书法来宣传革命,教育人们,激励他们忠于共产党。1994年,我的作品第一次展出,从那之后又举办过些展览。我的夫人也是个艺术家,我们一起合作。她绘画,我提词。我们两人在星期天一起学习和提高技巧。我在家工作,我的工作间在一楼,我夫人在二楼。我时常一整天都呆在工作间里。往往当他们叫我吃午餐时,我感觉好象自己才开始工作不久。可一看表,都下午了。
H: 我想最好的莫过于我们不再有战争。战争带来巨大的损失,对双方都是如此。在朝鲜战争中,中国损失了30万人,而这只是个大致估计的数字。那时,我们没有很好的装备,我们的飞行员没有经验,而且我们的国家很穷。内战才刚刚结束。实在不易于再次经历战争,但我们被迫应战。战争离我们的祖国越来越近,美国人的飞机轰炸了中国东北。我们不得不被迫应战。
费席尔被击落俘虏后,于1955年5月被释放回国,那时战争结束已差不多两年。1978年费席尔以上校军衔从空军退役。在1994年,他得知俄国飞行员,少校Dimitri Yermakov宣称击落了他的飞机。两年后,席费尔遇会了韩德彩。虽然费席尔并不知道当时是谁击落了他,但通过翻译对当时战斗经过的描述,费席尔相信中国飞行员才是胜利者。而且,在俄国出版发行的记录苏联空中王牌战绩的<<Herald of the Red Air Fleet>>中,也清楚地将战功归于韩德彩将军。
嘿嘿, 你也比较懒, 干吗不看看最下面呢:
(955-1075 MiGs)=(400-450 MiGs)+(430-500 MiGs)+125 MiGs
(955-1075 MiGs)+ : 515 = 2:1 , 有苏联人帮忙也只能守个米格走廊, 胜利了吗?
当然这只是一面之言, 而另一面俺就搞不清了.
530731 FEAF Strength: 128 x B-26, 218 x F-84, 132 x F-86F F/B, 165 x F-86 F/I
64th IAK Strength: six fighter aviation divisions, one night fighter regiment (400-450 MiGs)
72,000 Soviets rotated through the Korean theater over the course of the war
PLAAF Strength: nine fighter corps (430-500 MiGs), two bomber corps (54 Tu-2)
800 pilots and 59,700 ground support personnel served to support the air actions in the Korean theater (ten fighter corps with 21 air divisions, two bomber regiments),
KPAFAC Stength: approximately 125 MiGs, unknown Po-2, Yak-11, Yak-18, La-11
530731 DPRK states that air power inflicted the following damage: over 8,700 industries destroyed over 600,000 homes destroyed; 6,000 schools and hospitals destroyed; over 40% of all industrial and life support facilities destroyed
530921 KPAFAC pilot Ro Kum Suk defects with MiG-15bis #2057
730627 DPRK claims war was a "tremendous victory"
480 PLA members "Heroes of the DPRK"
746,000 medals and decorations awarded to PLA soldiers
13 PLA combined units and units awarded "Guards
本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
空四师射击主任, 曾经一次射击打下两架F-86.
后来升任空军作战部长,上了林彪的船,也随着林彪倒霉... 现在关于志愿军空战的故事基本上不提他... 当年可是常上人民日报/解放军画报的英雄人物,名气比王海大多了...
刘亚楼对此要求极高,几近吹毛求疵. 对于"击落"至少要空地双方共同确认,且找到残骸才算.对于海上作战则要求两人以上目击确认.
所以志空的战果应该是可信的. 至于苏联人就不好说了. 老美就更成问题, 空中堡垒随便把炸弹丢到北朝鲜的稻田里回去就报炸死中共八百, 至于死的是敌人还是自己人或者是地里的田鼠就没人在乎了.
每年飞行150小时确实是比较高的记录了,记得我们师那时对飞行员的要求是每年平均飞行时间要达到80小时。 我们师长(航空兵师的师长都是飞行员出身)是个瘦高个,身体不是很壮。 为了完成这80个飞行小时,也是为了做个表率,硬着头皮努着飞。 好几次我见他下了我的飞机,默默走到后面做干呕状,挺不容易的。
飞行时间可以这样计算:一名歼击机飞行员如果一个飞行日飞3个起落, 每个起落大约1个小时。每个月平均飞3个飞行日也就是9个飞行小时。 那麽一年平均下来也就是108个飞行小时。 一般来讲没个十几,二十年的积累一,两千个飞行小时是飞不出来的。 所以只要提这个飞行员飞了多少小时,那麽他的资历大家也就知道个大概了。