
主题:【原创】戴高乐主义的外交战略 -- 李寒秋

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家园 我对戴高乐的情况不能算是了解,虽然我认为他确实是一代伟人


家园 法国总理这几天访华


家园 在这种时候还是可以唱唱中法友好的。


家园 非洲的确是个大问题


家园 我的感觉


家园 this SOB came to Canada

stirred up local conflicts and propaganded the "Vive Le Quebec Libre", then left Canada.

For more than 3 decades, Quebec suffered a lot in terms of political, social turmoil as well as economic stagnation.

French king deserted Quebecors for more than 300 years, then De Gaul practised double standards (he suppressed Brittancy indenpendence movement) and left a mess back in Canada in late 1960s. Now Sarkozy came back again, denounced the dream of Quebec-France reunion for many Quebecors.


家园 when you enemy put an

arrogant short-visioned idiot in presidency, that's good news for you!

Keep in mind, Hannibal of Carthage was not defeated by Romans in the battlefield!! He was defeated by his enemy back in the Carthage senate.

家园 货币金属本位不利于金融创新金融深化实际上就是金融投机。

you clearly do not understand finance.

What determines M0(gold currency) has nothing to do with M3-M0(credit currency). Under gold standard, investment banks still invented the new security called "stock".

Now everybody accepted stock as normal, in 1600s, it was definitely an innovation.

家园 you are judging this couple

with your Asian or conservative protestant values.

Back in France, they can be quite popular with all their love affair(es) propaganded by the French media. There is lots of rumor about Sarkozy and his attorney general...

In Latin nations, people do not give a shit about unfaithfulness, because most French/Italian married couples are not faithful to each other.

Catholicism is dead in France.

家园 这位老兄看来对法国政治领袖人物很不感冒


家园 法国倾向于把宗教信仰当成私事




家园 金本位制至少有一个优点


家园 戴高乐之后的法国领导人都宣称继承戴高乐主义。


家园 treasury-note 本wei is also

used by Chinese gov.

I am afraid hyperinflation will first hit China then US and Europe. Watch out your retirement fund.

家园 肯定会破了总统寡妇的贞节记录的


Your comments are too strong. 贞节 is Chinese obsession and weights nothing in the modern Latin culture.

For Frenchmen and Frenchwomen, love is a LIFELONG pursuit and that's why "God creates men and women" (refers to a hot French movie). You, tasteless and sexless Chinese, should not attack our French passtime. Anyway, what activity will be more exciting and fascinating than the pursuit of fleshly love.

这位老兄看来对法国政治领袖人物很不感冒--you misunderstood my posts. I am stating facts, nothing person, subjective or offensive. Actually some French people(those globalists) also concur with my assessment.

I am not disliking the French leadership, otherwise I will not spend so much time living in French-language regions and learning their culture, history and language.

I love them because they will bring France into permanent decline and a final religious war with Muslims. France also serves as China's leverage when it needs to be hard on America or Germany. But France could never be a mature partner--it does not understand its own interests and always make bad decisions emotionally--with hypocritical blah blah self-righteous talk.

From the North American perspective, anything bad for the archirival Gaullic nation is good for the Pax Anglo-Saxon-Germanic-Americana Empire.

Really enjoy your posts. 棋逢对手. Admire your worldly knowledge. People like you are precious to China in its transition to the new G-2 world order. Most Chinese, in China and out-of-China, are inward-looking, self-obsessed with poor language or culture kownledge about the outside world. "Upon this rock, you can hardly build a Pax Chinois".

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