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主题:【原创】奥巴马在动什么脑筋? -- 晨枫
和同事说起萨科齐,大家唉声叹气说怎么选出个这种玩意来。我就说,难道当年你们应该选另一个么?大家一想,又是大摇其头。当年的另一个是Segolene Royal,社会党的女候选人,竞选失败后又在社会党内争中跟当年伙伴斗了个稀里哗啦,如今的人气也实在提不起来。
他类似与当年的Ross Perot和现在的Raul Paul, 都不是主流派,他的观点不代表主流观点,更不说明政府下一步的动作。老实说,我就不信美国现在敢再开一个战场,更不信Obama敢,他是靠铁竿自由派上台的,就凭他的肤色,做什么都别想让保守派真心支持,现在自由派已经对他很失望,再学布什穷兵黩武,12年非完蛋不可,再说除非占领伊朗,轰炸什么的顶多让伊朗晚几年掌握核武器,根本没用.
同意你的看法,在某些事情上,两党会达成一致。如出兵伊拉克,但当时背景是两党大多数都认为打下和控制伊拉克的成功机会很大。现在的问题是,有相当多的现实主义者认为胜算不大,且一但失误,会加速帝国的衰退。07年布什政府提议增兵伊拉克,说是巩固伊拉克的治安一保证选举的进行而意在伊朗时,参议院外交委员会对当时国务卿赖斯的质询会上,参议员Joe Biden and Jim Webb的问题却是紧盯两个问题,“总统是否有计划扩大战争范围至伊朗和叙利亚本土,总统是否认为他有宪法授予的权力可以不经国会作出这样的决定”。想一想吧,为何当时要问这样的问题。拜顿和韦伯可不是十足的鸽派。他们要阻止的,是冒险不成后的风险和代价。
"..我觉得黑马的意思很明显,希望中国也 do something,来帮助他度过现在的难关."
没这可能。奥黑没沟通就希望中国do something?中国领导人又不是他肚子里的迴虫,还需要靠猜来帮他?太没名其妙了。
not what he really thinks. You don't seriously think George W.Bush persona you see on CNN were the real George W.Bush. Nobody knew what Pat really thought when he was working for Reagan, the only thing I know was the what he did lately was more about staking out his own ideological domain than anything else, it''s not necessarily about what he really thought, it certainly has nothing to do with what he really thought or what he really knew. Raul Paul is much hotter political property than he is now, yet even Raul Paul could only resort to babbling Youtube Video to make his points: abolishing the Feds, adopting none-interference foreign policy, abolishing income tax, etc. Even Sarah Palin commands more political capital than Pat could ever had done, he's not part of the mainstream, he's not the one, there were tons of advisers for Reagan, these kinds of blustering buffoons whose ideas appeal to certain demographics usually had nothing to do with what the administration or the mainstream congressional think don't matter that much. Obama is not in a position to start a new war, certainly not anything even remotely resembling a war against another Muslim country. I think most people here way overestimate the effect of grand strategizing in US politics, the fact of matter is no matter what Obama thinks, there is simply no stomach for another war right now. Israeli could do whatever they deem fit, but without the collaboration from the US, they could so squat regarding Iranian nuclear program and there is nothing the US could do right now beside calling for the so called "crippling sanctions", sanctions never work, they knew it as well as anybody else.
难得糊涂是超越聪明;HAPPY FOOL是低于聪明。