
主题:【原创】自学游泳体会 -- NTLS

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家园 del
家园 Counting Strokes and Time

Tracey McFarlane Mirande (Olympic Medalist)

Championship Swimming - How to improve your techique and swim faster

ISBN: 0-07-144730-X

谁仔细看过比赛录像, 世界冠军50米平均得要23-24次划水?

家园 谢谢!





家园 有可能的话



家园 我对自由泳的 换气总是掌握不好


家园 送花、



家园 换气是整体转身和推水动作的一部分

在身体已经转向一侧的基础上, 轻微转头或无需转头都能吸气.

家园 说说俺的体会



2 Timing:一只手开始入水(手碰到水开始算),另一个手开始划水;一手到最前面时,另一手到最后边,这样可使身体滑行距离长.另一种方法描述:划水对应了入水,抱水对应了空中飞行.

3 打腿:以腰带腿,要有用腰把腿甩出去的感觉.

4 手脚配合:俺是二次打腿.用那侧手划的话,用哪侧的腿打水.

5 手臂运动四个阶段用力:除了划水用力外,其他三个都是放松动作.

6 身体流线型保持:压胸来提高臀部;打腿绷紧腰.

7 换气:转体略早于侧头,否则头部会有起伏.如果你身体柔韧性好的话,可使側头和转体同步.

家园 送花! 关于转身, 是这样开始练习的.

Tracey McFarlane Mirande: Learning Flip Turns

1.先练习口鼻同时出气六秒, 防止翻身时水进鼻子里.

2.练习原地翻身, 双手可以帮助加快翻身. 初学者一次吸气可以连做六个跟头. 习惯了, 头就不再晕了.

3.开始游自由泳,到中间, 划三次水, 翻一个跟头, 然后接着游, 划三次水, 翻一个跟头, 习惯游泳过程中加翻身动作.

4.靠近池边,翻身后脚搭到池边下一尺,脚尖朝上, 蹬出来时肚皮朝上,然后转向侧面.


家园 Blythe Lucero 的杰作 26-50 仰泳

26 Float on Spine 仰面平躺

-achieve an advantageous backstroke floating position

-feel effective core tension and stability

-be comfortable on the back

27 Water line 水线齐耳

-find correct head alignment

-feel the water line around your face

-relax the neck, shoulder and upper back

28 Twelve Kick Switch 一边踢12下

-maintain a straight spine while moving

-begin to feel leverage from the core

-identify the longest backstroke position

29 Boiling Water 往上踢

-learn to kick upward with force

-feel the water with your feet

-develop a centralized kick

30 No Knees Streamline Kick 膝盖不出水

-learn to keep the knees under the water

-using the correct muscles to kick

-develop an efficient backstroke kick

31 Pigeontoed Kicking 脚趾内旋

-feel the most advantageous foot position

-using the most foot surface to kick

-develop a centralized kick

32 Quarter Roll with Cup on Forehead 顶杯转身

-develop a balanced, effective kick

-understand the changing orientation of the kick

-maintain a stable head position while kicking

33 One Arm Pull/Push

-learn the path of the backstroke arms

-feel both pull and push

-roll into and out of each stroke

34 Up and Over

-feel the path of the backstroke arms

-maintain a stable elbow position

-catch deep water

35 Fist Backstroke

-learn to feel the water with forearm

-using a stable high elbow

-appreciate the role of hand

36 Corkscrew

-achieve depth to begin the stroke

-feel the roll that begins the arm stroke

-use a bent arm mid-pull similar to freestyle

37 Clock Arm 11点和1点

-use an aligned entry position

-learn to avoid over-reaching

-feel the natural range of motion of the shoulder

38 Two-step Recovery

-establish the path of the recovery

-feel correct recovery alignment

-avoid an over-reaching entry

39 Locked Elbow

-learn to fully align your recovery arm

-extend the stroke range by locking the recover elbow

-feel opposition balance

40 Dog ears

-feel an outward hand pitch

-maintain a firm arm and a relaxed hand

-avoid a collapsed wrist at entry

41 Rhythmic Breathing Sequence

-experiment with different breathing rhythms

-matching the stroke rate and the breathing rhythm

-become comfortable breathing in backstroke

42 The Breathing Pocket

-use the ebb and flow of the water to time your breathing

-find another benefit of the roll in and out of the stroke

-become comfortable when breathing in the backstroke

43 Three Stroke Switch

-benefit from core leverage

-feel the roll into and out of each stroke

-transfer power from the core to the limbs

44 One Arm Rope Climb

-learn to anchor your reaching arm

-feel the high elbow position of strength

-experience your body moving past your hand

45 Opposition Freeze Frame

-understand the role of opposition in backstroke leverage

-check opposition at various stages in the stroke

-learn to maintain opposition

46 Armpit Lift

-balance the recovery arm with the stroking arm

-use core leverage

-develop a unified stroke

47 Roll Pull Roll Push

-blend the actions of the roll and the arm stroke

-initiate the arm stroke from core

-coordinate backstroke action

48 Pinkie Lead

-use the hip roll to initiate the recovery

-eliminate extraneous actions

-learn to avoid shoulder pain

49 Balance with Cup

-develop a balanced effective backstroke

-develop continuous backstroke motion

-maintain a stable head position while swimming backstroke

50 Opposition Overlap

-recognize the momentary non-opposition position point in the backstroke

-making the most of both arms pressing on the water at once

-feel a continuous stroke

家园 Blythe Lucero 的杰作 51-75 蛙泳

51 Streamline

-eliminate drag

-achieve an advantageous breaststroke glide position

-feel effective core tension and stability

52 Rocking


-use a rocking motion

-develop unified core action

-understand the purpose of rocking

53 Duck Feet

-learn to use your feet as paddles

-use ankle rotation to keep hold of the water

-avoid potential drag

54 Breaststroke Kick on your back

-develop a propulsive kick

-avoid folding at the hips

-position your knees inside your feet


55 Verticle Breaststroke Kick

-develop a productive kick

-use foot speed during the power phase

-eliminate drag

56 Heads Up Breaststroke Kick

-use your sense to recognize a productive kick

-observe mementum

-practice an effective kick

57 3D Breaststroke Arms

-get the most out of the arm stroke

-use an accelerating stoke

-maintain a compact stroke

58 Sculling

-learn to use lateral stroke

-hold on to the water

-experience a high elbow scull

59 Half-Stroke

-learn to use compact stroke

-use a quick stroke

-eliminate drag

60 Corners Drill




-accelerate into the insweep

-produce lift without pushing down

-hold onto the water

61 Hand Speed Drill

-observe a compact arm stroke

-use a quick arm stroke

-hold on to the water

62 Breaststroke with Fists 握拳划水

page 179

-learn to feel the water with the forearm

-understand the changing elbow position

-appreciate the role of the hand


63 Growing Your Recovery 手伸得更长

-achieve the longest recovery

-use your elbows to extend recovery 直肘

-use your chest to extend recovery 压胸

64 Shoot to streamline

-learn to accelerate into the recovery

-recover with the rocking motion of the stroke

-eliminate any pause between insweep and recovery

65 Fold and Shrug

-add speed to the recovery

-increase momentum into the glide

-learn to rest after the recovery

66 Inhale at the high point

-learn the correct timing of the inhale

-breathe with the line of the stroke

-feel lift

67 Eyes on the Water

-maintain a stable head position

-breathe with the line of the stroke

-avoid a nodding breathing style (don't look ahead while breathing)

68 Tennis Ball

-maintain a stable head position

-breathe with the lift of the stroke

-achieve lift by dropping the hips

69 Dolphin

-develop a productive rocking motion

-maintain a firm core

-develop a rhythmic stroke

70 Alternating Dolphin and Breaststroke kick

-use dolphin action in the breaststroke

-transfer power through the rocking action of the stroke

-practice a productive rocking action

71 Stroke up to breathe, kick down to glide 划水时上升换气,蹬水时压胸前钻

page 202

-feel a productive rocking motion

-maintain the forward line of the stroke

-avoid flat stroke

72 No stars先划后蹬

-use the most efficient breaststroke timing

-avoid drag

-use the arm then the legs

73 Stroke, breathe, kick,glide Mantra 划水,吸气,蹬水,溜水-四冲程

page 208

-learn the correct sequence of stroke actions

-avoid canceling out the effect of one stroke action with another

-practice the correct timing of the breaststroke

74 Glide length and speed 滑的更远更快

page 211

-develop a productive glide

-recognize when to start next stroke

-use momentum to rest and benefit the next stroke

75 Thread the needle 钻针眼

-achieve coordinated forward motion

-maximize streamline and momentum

-learn to rest during the glide instead of the recovery

家园 Blythe Lucero 的杰作 76-100 蝶泳


76 Taking a Bow鞠躬尽直

-learn to stablize motion using the abdominals

-isolate upper body motion

-use abdominal muscles to maintain a straight spine 弯腰但腰是直的,压胸带动头一起向下

77 Weight Shifting重心前移


-feel both natural and downhill body positions

-learn to shift weight forward

-develop effective core tension and stability

78 Ribbon Writing看彩带在水里如何飘舞

-understand the fluid nature of the dolphin

-generate high power in the body

-learn to transfer power to the feet

79 Deep to Shallow Dolphin由6尺深水到2尺浅水,振幅减小到一尺以内

-practice full body dolphin

-experience the forward line of the dolphin

-achieve a compact dolphin wave

80 Dolphin Dive池边跃起,身体和腿脚跟着头走

-understand the full body action of the dolphin

-experience the line of the dolphin

-feel the transfer of the power to the feet

81 Vertical Dolphin垂直踢水腰腹发力

-develop a productive dolphin

-practice a continusous kick

-use a fluid full body dolphin

82 Back Dolphin仰面伸手,踢水一尺半,膝不出水,腹肌发力,小腿跟随

-use the abdominal muscles for dolphin

-gather power for lower body movement

-avoid over bending at the knees


83 Pitch to Press拇指向下手往外扒,抱水时拇指转向上手往里扒,推水时拇指转向内,其他手指指向池底


-feel the path of the butterfly arm stroke

-learn to press back and not down

-use correct hand pitch to maintain pressure on the water

84 Sweeping Question Marks画个问号


-feel the path of the butterfly arm stroke

-sweep wide to narrow 由宽到窄

-sweep deep to shallow 先深后浅

85 One Arm Butterfly单手



-feel the rhythm of the butterfly arm stroke

-practice the path of the arm stroke

-press back on the water

86 Left, Right and Both Arms先左再右后双手

-feel the line of the stroke

-practice accelerating to the back of the stroke

-experience butterfly rhythm

87 The Round off 向外出水,不是向后

-press outward the end of the stroke

-practice a quick finish of the stroke

-learn to release the water in back

88 Pinkies Up 移臂时小指在上,压胸

-maintain a pinkie up position

-feel a relaxed recovery

-create an arch with your arms over the water

89 The Flop 手放松

-use your chest and shoulder to recover

-finish the recovery in a downhill position

-feel a relaxed recovery

90 Reaching to a Y 入水点再肩线外,拇指向前,小指向外

-finish recovery with your fingertips wider than your shoulder

-align from the thumbs

-position the hands to hold more water

91 Breathing timing推水时吸气,头先入水,手后入水

-learn the timing of the butterfly breathing

-achieve the inhale at the high point of the stroke

-feel the face return to the water before hands

92 Flying Dolphin Dives 鱼跃入水

-learn the timing of the butterfly breathing

-breath within the line of the stroke

-feel the wave of the stroke

93 Eyes on the Water手过肩,胸下沉,头入水,手前外伸

-learn to maintain a stable head position

-practice looking down at the water while breathing

-use the natural wave to the stroke to breathe

94 Hammer and Nail额头敲钉


-learn to breathe from the core

-shift to a downhill position after breathing

-maintain a stable head position

95 Advanced One-Arm 头到臀,臀到脚





-maintain a high hip body position

-feel the hips as the centre of the butterfly

-use leverage in the butterfly

96 No kick butterfly

-achieve a dolphin without independant leg action

-use leverage in the butterfly

-power the stroke from the core

97 No pause fly

-establish rhythm from the core

-maintain momentum and leverage

-avoid damaging pauses in the stroke

Grab hold of water the instant your reach the Y.

Anchor your hands in the water.

Vault your body forward over your hands.


98 Chest Balance 压胸抬臀

-benefit from the downhill position

-avoid a flat butterfly

-bring momentum into the next stroke

99 Coord Checkpoint 三点同步跃进:快推结束,吸气,第二次向下打水

-coordinate the arms, legs and breathing

-use momentum and leverage

-achieve effortless breathing

100 Quiet Butterfly 无水花的入水

-achieve a clean entry

-direct the stroke forward

-swim butterfly with water, not against it

家园 呼吸配合的还不理想, 百米下来还有点喘

呼吸的位置不理想,每次到了换气的时候都不是那么轻松自然, 总有点费劲,气短, 还得改进.

Blythe Lucero的杰作第16,17招讲了呼吸配合的时机和动作要点:全身转动和压太阳穴.

跟过去比,进步很大: 原来25米拼不过小年轻,现在竟然可以领先他一个半身位,不可能吧. 应按是我有进步而他有退步(今天喝多了?)才能解释.

你比对手先到池边,回过头看,他还在扑腾呢. 等人感觉,只有此时才不着急!

关键词(Tags): #的
家园 自由泳是最佳的游泳方式



家园 的确,现在的标准自由泳姿势是速度最快的


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