
主题:不会吧,这主意谁出的,真是在白宫? -- 黄河故人

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家园 我深刻怀疑朗朗是故意打擦边球


家园 you do not understand Anglo


Anglo culture respects muscle and despizes sissy man.

Being ass-kisser never wins respect from your adversaries, esp., Anglo-Americans. That's a lesson from my experience in States. That's one of the reason why China's former foreign trade minister (a lady) was highly respected by the U.S. gov. officials.

The state dinner is just a show. All main state business had been negotiated long before Hu's visit--by department-level key gov. officials.

家园 yes, 摩擦是一门艺术。我们必须重拾这门我们曾精通的艺

Anglos have famous saying: no friend is eternal and no enemy is perpetual. But our interests are the eternal and perpetual.

Englishmen followed this principle when they interfered in North America and Europe. Americans learned from their English cousins and just did the same thing.

FOR STATESMAN, STABBING YOUR ALLY IN THE BACK IS JUST YOUR DAILY BUSINESS. "It is just business, nothing in person". Period.

from wiki.

Regarding this aspect of international relations, Lord Palmerston said:

“ Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.[18]

家园 看了下时间,

居然是:(2007-10-08 00:00:00)


家园 当你面对中国人的时候,你一点都不惧怕




家园 key point.

no matter whatever you say or do, American media will not be lenient to China any more. IT IS A CHOICE OUT OF NATIONAL SECURITY OR LONG TERM STRATEGY, a rational decision.

China has jumped into a potential challenger to America,both economically and militarily. America did not even tolerate its British cousins to compete with it after WWII and kicked out Pound from the reserve status, let alone bunch of "yellow monkeys", right? hehe. No offense. I am Chinese too.

In the early 1980s when U.S. and China were still in honeymoon period against their common enemy:USSR. U.S. media focused exclusively on the positive sides of China.

I do believe the human rights in China were even worse in early 1980s than now. But American media did not give a shit then and put way too much positive coverage on China.

Why: because China was then a close American ally. Roosevelt once said of one dictator in one banana republic in mid-America: he is a bastard, but he is OUR BASTARD.

Thus, this bloody dictator became friend of democracy and freedom fighter, in American media or in the mouth of vice-president (nixon) or other congress leaders.

Check history of Chili and Guatemala, then you understand what I mean.

Politicians are all liars.

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家园 buddy, this time we are in

the same boat. thumbs up!

The guy above you did not understand Americans: America respects strength and muscle, not sissy-man talk.

家园 a message from a MAN to

another man.

Great choice.


Indians taught early Americans to plant potatoes, thus May Flower people survived and had the first Thanksgiving.

But without a "gun" in hand, Indians lost all of their living space. Chinese need to learn a good lesson.

家园 都什么乱七八糟的




另外最关键之处是,政府高层之间再怎么较劲,直接对话的场合还是会风度翩翩地打太极拳,野球拳对政府低层以及民间当然是一个选项,但对高层就不是一个选项。游戏规则完全不同,各有各的玩儿法。谁无视这一游戏规则谁就会被当作傻逼 -- 看看赫鲁晓夫就知道了。


家园 海外华侨的爱国是被逼出来的



家园 你说的这些我都完全赞同


家园 煮酒这帖子很幽默



家园 nothing wrong on your side.

But there is no need to be too nice.

On international politics, people only respects strength and their own interests.


Good post. A summary of my thoughts too.

家园 是你自己糊涂吧



家园 no need to be too nice

unless there's a compelling reason.

By the same token, there's no need to be abrasive, unless there's a reason.

On politics, strength does not always mean being confrontational. The real strength comes from your ability to make the right decisions and choices, which include when to play the tough guy and when to play the nice guy.

Premier Zhou is never a typical confrontational type of guy.

But isn't he widely respected?

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