
主题:从游行说起 移民的三大群体 -- 玉垒关2

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家园 哪里。。才写了个序言而已。。
家园 哎。兄弟。。。我是你大姐。。
家园 不是啊。。那是武则天的主题曲。。
家园 好的。。我参考一下飞天鸭子的。。
家园 好的,我尽量努力。
家园 不是,这个区远远不是巴黎乱的区域。


家园 还早呢。。只是个序言。。 希望能看到大家的意见。
家园 嗯。。我也非常讨厌这些人。。
家园 还不珍惜美国的环境


The British government forbids citizens to carry any article that might be used for self-defense. Even knitting needles and walking sticks have been judged to be "offensive weapons." In 1994, an English homeowner used a toy gun to detain two burglars who had broken into his home. The police arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten and intimidate.

In 1999 Tony Martin, a farmer, turned his shotgun on two professional thieves when they broke into his home at night to rob him a seventh time. Mr. Martin received a life sentence for killing one criminal, 10 years for wounding the second, and 12 months for having an illegal shotgun.


80-year old Army vet shoots, kills home invader

'He saved our lives,' says wife of the shooting of a gunman who intruded into the couple's bedroom on West Side

May 26, 2010|By Duaa Eldeib and Liam Ford, Tribune reporters

As an 80-year-old Army veteran, his wife and great-grandson slept in their Humboldt Park home just before dawn Wednesday, a would-be burglar busted a basement window, crawled over discarded bikes and paint buckets, and made his way up winding stairs to an enclosed porch.

The intruder — who police said wore stockings over his hands to keep from leaving prints — wiggled the brass doorknob of the locked door that led to the first-floor apartment, but it didn't open, the family said. He then turned to the oversized glass window of the 80-year-old's bedroom, pulled out his gun and shot, police and family said.


家园 这些在法的华裔们需要一个政治玩家帮他们处理和警察之间的关


家园 对这个题目很感兴趣


家园 从戴高乐机场做地下快速铁路



家园 是啊。



家园 果然拾人牙慧是会被鄙视的……
家园 记得您以前写的文章这个序言里说的东西都有涉及,


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