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主题:【原创】当前局势的几点看法 -- 井底望天
fresh phd 进google,年薪+bonus+RSU 大致有17万的样子
工资不比湾区低多少,但是seattle 50万就可以很不错学区的房子了。
所得税由联邦和省政府征收.房地产税由市政府征收. 当然,这边的市其实比中国的市小很多. 一个市才5万多人口,只相当于中国大城市里的街道办事处所辖人口. 市政府用收来的税提供垃圾处理, 公园清洁, 社区活动中心的维护服务, 以及所属学区的学校管理与建设. 各项用途都列明在税单上, 加在一起税率大约是房屋评估价的0.5%左右. 好的社区,中小学教育抓得很紧. 从小学3年级开始,每天都有家庭作业. 差不多是5个大作业本, 按拼写, 日记,科学, 社会学, 数学分类. 做不完的话, 第二天要留校. 3次留校, 就要家长到学校办公室去说明情况. 学校还为学生开设各种课外兴趣班. 孩子们可以学乐器, 科学, 或是舞蹈, 象棋等. 在社区中心, 孩子们可以学游泳, 滑冰, 网球等. 加入足球, 棒球俱乐部的孩子可以免费使用公园的草地训练和比赛. 所有这些服务的资金大部分来源于当地的房地产税, 因此, 每个城市之间差别也很大.
有个小笑话,双城一年有两个季节,一个叫winter,一个叫road construction。
very unique issue in California.
In 1970s, the whole America experienced a period of high inflation and real estate turned out to be very inflation-defiant--the value grew fast.
At certain point, the historical cost-market value difference is so large that lots of poor old people can not afford the real estate tax at all. They were inflated by gov. money printing into cashless millionaire. Then in 1977, there was a change to the California CONSTITUTION to cap the annual adjustment to real estate tax base (the cost base of houses).
BTW,not all states have similar laws. And housing inflation was more serious in sunbelt states than the rusted belt states.
Renting or buying is purely a personal choice. Nobody has right to force you to save to buy houses. It is against free will.
Gov. provides tax benefits in terms of interest deduction on tax forms, if you borrow money to buy house.
experience,American experience, under Gold Standard where deflation prolongs the misery. We have fiat paper money system now. One big difference.
If one recession was triggered by credit overexpansion, relevant housing and credit bubble, the average recession period is 5 years. Of course, that's based on the U.S. experience in the last 150 years, when AMERICA IS STILL A RISING NEW HOPE for human beings.
If we talk about Europe or Asia where people love to use violence, xenophobia, genocide, and military conflicts to solve economic issues, then the 25-30年,如果你运气好的话 estimate could still be optimistic. France experienced a credit bubble and collapse around 1710s, thanks to a cunning Scotsman called John Law. France never fully recovered after that and its turmoil lasted until 1815 when Napoleon was finally kicked out to a small island.
Therefore, in France's case, the answer for 从这样规模的经济危机里面恢复过来,大概要多少年? is 100 years.