
主题:【warning】公民/绿卡与海外资产问题 -- 种植园土

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家园 收割谁都行,收割花儿姐的老板就不行


家园 《海外账户纳税法案》(FATCA)

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is an important development in U.S. efforts to improve tax compliance involving foreign financial assets and offshore accounts.

Under FATCA, U.S. taxpayers with specified foreign financial assets that exceed certain thresholds must report those assets to the IRS. This reporting will be made on Form 8938, which taxpayers attach to their federal income tax return, starting this tax filing season.

In addition, FATCA will require foreign financial institutions to report directly to the IRS information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or held by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest.

家园 所以第二代学律师是很重要的家族安排

两个孩子, 一定要有至少一个读律师的.

一个孩子嘛, 那就强迫他读法律.

家园 DEL


家园 这个法案名字有点像肥猫:Fat Cat


家园 你的问题很好,





如果你被判定understatement,那么这7000万美元可能要罚40%即2800万美元,另外还要补交所得税。如果你的effective tax rate是30%,那么7000*30%=2100万。这样你的7000万要交4900万美元--这是主菜。


按照美国的税法,联邦政府也可以通过TAX LIEN等方式收走并拍卖你在美国的房产。








家园 老兄 我怎觉得这是好事啊

这样贪官污吏 偷税漏税的不是更虚了

另一方面资本自然不敢继续往美国流了 那相应的流向中国的不就更多了


家园 张曙光那屋他该不会贷款买吧


家园 哪有这么恐怖

Specified foreign financial assets include foreign financial accounts, and foreign non-account assets held for investment (as opposed to held for use in a trade or business), such as foreign stock and securities, foreign financial instruments, contracts with non-US persons, and interests in foreign entities. The regulations include a list of examples, such as swaps, options, and derivative contracts.

There are exceptions. Certain assets of a foreign nature are not specified foreign financial assets that require Form 8938 reporting. Additionally, certain specified foreign financial assets reported elsewhere need not be reported on Form 8938. These exceptions are as follows:

* A financial account maintained by a U.S. payor is not a specified foreign financial asset. For example, a specified person is not required to report a financial account maintained by a U.S. branch of a foreign financial institution, or a foreign branch of a U.S. financial institution..

* Exceptions from reporting are made for assets reported on certain other tax forms. These include: Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 5471, Form 8621, Form 8865, or Form 8891. The value of specified foreign financial assets reported on these forms are included in determining the total value of assets for Form 8938 purposes, but the assets do not need to be reported on Form 8938. In this situation, the taxpayer identifies on Form 8938 which and how many of these form(s) report the specified foreign financial assets.

* Exceptions from reporting are made for certain trusts, certain assets held by bona fide residents of possessions, and assets or accounts for which mark-to-market elections have been made under Section 475.

* A beneficial interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate is not a specified foreign financial asset of a specified person unless the specified person knows or has reason to know of the interest.

* An interest in a social security, social insurance, or other similar program of a foreign government is not a specified foreign financial asset.

* A specified individual that is treated as a beneficiary of a domestic bankruptcy trust or a domestic widely held fixed investment trust is not required to file Form 8938 to report any specified foreign financial asset held by the trust.

Certain key definitions of terms in the regulations, such as “financial account” and “financial institution,” will be further defined by regulations under FATCA Chapter 4.


家园 谢谢指点,想不到这招一出,竟然这么狠。


家园 你被呼悠了


家园 恐怕早就摸清底细了,想跑是很难了。想来前阵一劲造势


家园 替IRS洗地?交税越多越有益身心健康啊!


* A financial account maintained by a U.S. payor is not a specified foreign financial asset. For example, a specified person is not required to report a financial account maintained by a U.S. branch of a foreign financial institution, or a foreign branch of a U.S. financial institution..


* Exceptions from reporting are made for assets reported on certain other tax forms. These include: Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 5471, Form 8621, Form 8865, or Form 8891. The value of specified foreign financial assets reported on these forms are included in determining the total value of assets for Form 8938 purposes, but the assets do not need to be reported on Form 8938. In this situation, the taxpayer identifies on Form 8938 which and how many of these form(s) report the specified foreign financial assets.


* Exceptions from reporting are made for certain trusts, certain assets held by bona fide residents of possessions, and assets or accounts for which mark-to-market elections have been made under Section 475.


* A beneficial interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate is not a specified foreign financial asset of a specified person unless the specified person knows or has reason to know of the interest.


* An interest in a social security, social insurance, or other similar program of a foreign government is not a specified foreign financial asset.


* A specified individual that is treated as a beneficiary of a domestic bankruptcy trust or a domestic widely held fixed investment trust is not required to file Form 8938 to report any specified foreign financial asset held by the trust.





家园 恰恰是坏事,IRS是管收钱的,CIA才是逼迫这些人叛国投



家园 少来屁股党

就事论事。IRS 开篇第一句就是定义 specified foreign financial asset的。

Specified foreign financial assets include foreign financial accounts, and foreign non-account assets held for investment (as opposed to held for use in a trade or business), such as foreign stock and securities, foreign financial instruments, contracts with non-US persons, and interests in foreign entities.

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