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主题:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 -- witten1
Hi,do you have any paper on arXiv? I want to take a look to see if it would have applications in real systems. My current research focuses on studying thermodynamic and dynamic behavior near quantum critical point (the latter one is harder then previous). Quantum critical point is a singular point when system undergoes quantum phase transition. Near this point, a lot of universal behaviors will show up. The physics near this point is very important for us to understand quantum nature in many-body systems.
In a very general sense, for us human race, 自然光場=马尔可夫热库, 光譜 all over the places , kind of like "heat", "low info & high entropy";
but some times in in macro,"环境的马尔可夫性又突然消失,变成非马尔可夫环境", "macro qm"?
But apparently, our "raw" body/mind are not "qm" trained to tell 马尔可夫性 vs non-马尔可夫性, in that sense, it is often too "hot" and therefore "stupid", the term used in my previous comments.
still reading others(:)
SO(n?)symmetry? very little "M" or a lot of "E", if any M at all (:)?
I read it some where that chen, manifold master,once asked his son-in-law(?) about possible apps of his manifold in bio, may be you guys are figuring it out
u're right, convention bio:
生物系统 as "一维DNA" started some kind 3d 拓扑结构...
but if in a 时空流形, a "DNA"系统 person 穿越/lives through multiple local gauge/fiber/位形空间, still as a sigle H system, but metablizing though at least 300 years? (:)
then give up and drop into 马尔可夫热库 eventually?
BBC's video somewhere: he lives in an indian army camp without eating for several monthes or more?
ok, now assuming this indian s-cat "super smart" planning living on a 时空流形 4 ever
@local gauge/fiber/位形空间, he would be very careful not to eat too much, minimizing his interacting with local 马尔可夫热库, so he as a s-cat would not collaps
He thinks there is non-马尔可夫热库 accrossing 时空流形, some kind of 规范场, with 场强= 纤维丛曲率 and he tries to only metabolize with it, so he lives on as s-cat, not globally (not permmitted by gr), but somehow between local and global
but from 孙昌璞
kind of gr's point of view
"与薛定谔猫佯谬相联系是宏观物体空间局域化问题。它的讨论起源于1950 年前后
爱因斯坦和玻恩的通信[45 ] 。他们发现一个质量为M 的宏观物体质心运动由自由哈密顿
量H = p2/ 2 M 描述,其能量本征态是一个平面波。这是一个没有空间局域化特征的扩展
量子理论若干基本问题研究的新进展 - 物理学进展
pip.nju.edu.cn/Home/DownloadPDF/552 - 轉為繁體網頁
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还讨论了外部环境和内部运动怎样诱导量子退相干和量子耗散,对“薛定谔猫佯谬”和“宏观 .... 宏观属性意味着组成仪器的粒子数目很大;当N 趋近无穷大时,他们证明了与仪器相互 ...... 宏观物体所处的环境的内部随机运动,会与宏观物体的集体自由度耦合起来。 ...... von Neumann Chain in quantum measurement and the Schroedinger ...
统间的纠缠态。从这一角度,Wigner 及 Joos 和 Zeh [4] 讨论了解决
let's say in macro in general and simplified way: 环境粒子=布朗粒子,and
the huge number of 布朗粒子 collects and analyzez information via thermodynamics all the time and all over the place, so we have a sort of near equilibrium system, can 布朗粒子 folks "id" the s-cat by "which-way" and how? I guess not, if 布朗粒子 did not learn "qm"?
is about "macro state" of the system, and basically a lot of stat, can't figure out all kinds of possible 散射 in this kind of "micro-as well" problem, 布朗粒子 has to learn plank stuff, sr, qm, etc, I would think
thermodynamics,qm, non-sr, macro, all mingled together,very challenging?
所有这一切都没有解释最后一步how wavefunction collapses,所以本质上他们把模型弄得再复杂,那其实都是包装,最核心的问题依然没有回答。