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主题:【原创】法国漫记--普罗旺斯篇:(一)(完) -- 晨枫
Nikon profit soars
Among the doom and gloom stories of the last few months, today we get some good news from Nikon that its first quarter profit has soared, Yahoo! News reports. Following several manufacturers reporting profit losses and job cuts, the world's second largest DSLR manufacturer announced an operating profit of ¥13.94 bn ($124.8 m), over four times the ¥3.13bn profit it made in the same period last year. Nikon attributes its success to a shift in focus to the digital SLR market as the low end of the market has become increasingly competitive and often non profitable.
今年的CANON 350D已经是8MB了。明年的(业余、大众)级的DSLR可能会更上一层楼。
听说SONY在做10MB的sensor,如果出来快的话,明年的NIKON10(?)就会是10MB的。今年CANON 350D把NIKON挤压的很凶。
我觉得8MB跟6MB差不多,图片的尺寸上8MB的只是6MB的1.155倍。而10MB是1.29倍,make some sense。
Nikon D70对Canon是一个很大的触动,D70和20D在功能和档次上相当,在价钱上便宜不少,D50又开始挤压350D的市场,Canon再不迎头赶上,会出问题。所以嘛,我们再等等看,竞争真是好事啊。我还是计划两年后再买,那时候该又出门了。这段时间,老机器接着守球门,能拖则拖。