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主题:【编译】创造论与进化论在宾州多佛县的斗争及其影响 -- indy
最后引用的分析文章指出:ID拥护者于1999年制订了一个时间跨度达20年的“锲子战略“("The Wedge Strategy,"
为达到这一目标,将通过印刷或广播媒体教育和说服有影响力的个人,包括思想库领导,科学家,学者,议会成员,谈话节目主持人,大学和其他学校(seminary,神学院?)校长及教授,以及所有未来的精英分子及潜在的学术界盟友。 "to cultivate and convince influential individuals in print and broadcast media, as well as think tank leaders, scientists and academics, congressional staff, talk show hosts, college and seminary presidents and faculty, future talent and potential academic allies."
到2019年,ID们计划完全彻底地打败我们现在所知所在的美国文明(Ameriacan Civilization),这样就可以看到达到智能设计理论(也就是神创论)渗透深入到宗教的,文化的,道德的,和政治等方面的美国生活。(呵呵,有点佩服ID们目光远大,真敢想敢干)By 2019, they aim for the complete and total defeat of American civilization as we know it, in order "to see design theory permeate our religious, cultural, moral and political life."
War Against Reason: The "Intelligent Design" Scam
The State of Kansas, acting under orders of its school board, has now banned the journal "Science," stating that it does not fit the definition that will be used from now on in Kansas education of its title.
Educators are ordered to immediately remove the journal from all libraries, collections and classrooms.
The fight has far less than finish yet!