
主题:方励之和钱学森 - 谁的物理好 -- bos

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家园 呵呵,大学时候听过物理系一个家伙的报告




家园 还真没看过《自然辩证法》


家园 【摘+链】希望有个好天气:一个关于集体意识的自然实验

ROGER D. NELSON "Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 47-58, 1997

---------- 摘要 ------------

Many human activities are affected by the weather, and there is a long history of rituals and ceremonial efforts aimed at controlling it. In modem societies, such efforts are largely vestigial and amount to informal hoping or wishing for good weather for special occasions. Reunion and commencement activities at Princeton University, involving thousands of alumni, graduates, family and others, are held outdoors, and it is often remarked that they are almost always blessed with good weather. A comparison of the recorded rainfall in Princeton vs. nearby communities shows that there is significantly less rain, less often, in Princeton on those days with major outdoor activities.

---------- 结语 ------------

Although many of us wish fervently for nice weather for special occasions,and some are even motivated to offer up a little prayer, it doesn't seem likely that many of us believe it will do any good. A modern education (such as Princeton delivers) tends to include a surfeit of implicit reasons and arguments against such an eventuality, and it certainly doesn't fit easily within our current scientific models of the world. Yet, we recognize that these models are incomplete,perhaps most glaringly because they have so little to say about human consciousness, including such hopes and wishes as might, possibly, affect the weather.

We have recently learned to view weather patterns in terms of chaos theory,where infinitesimally small effects can expand into great changes; the beat of a Brazilian butterfly wing may propagate through complex weather systems to cause a downpour in a small New Jersey town. Could the effects of communal interest from a great concentration of Princetonians compete with that butterfly wing?

A look at actual weather data seems to suggest that precipitation tends to stay away from Princeton for the P-Rade, and Class Day, and Commencement,to a somewhat unlikely degree. These intriguing results certainly aren't strong enough to compel belief, but the case presents a very challenging possibility,because if the analysis is correct, the only good candidate to explain the apparent differences, other than chance, would seem to be an influence from an informal but powerful communal wish for dry weather. In any case, it surely is premature to conclude, as the graffito has it, that God went to Princeton, but we may need to reconsider the old saw, "Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."

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家园 嗯,再往下说就有争议了


家园 其实这是显然的,本不该有争议.只有宗教教义才忌讳"修正"
家园 算了吧!




家园 鹰翔九天, 其境界岂是燕雀之所能知?
家园 《人民日报》和《新闻联播》尽是类似的废话……
家园 我硕士课程中的《自然辩证法》得了A


家园 哈哈哈哈,这个是最好玩的;心比天高的‘鹰’和不知‘之’所云






家园 没说不让指责啊,只是以马哲来说人家方法不对,不敢苟同
家园 我觉得马哲对钱的影响应该没那么大,后面的应该是应景之谈而已。





家园 啊?这名字改的有点晕


家园 这种题目......


家园 可能老钱也后悔得要死,写了这么一篇东西。
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