
主题:给喜欢欧洲中世纪战争的朋友推荐个游戏 -- Yours

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家园 some questions

1.011 loading is a lot faster than 0808, maybe because I did not install? I just unzipped the files, and run. not sure.

0808 acts faster than 1011, feels good. character acts more naturally in 1011.maybe that's why 1011 is 300M, but that did not explain 0808 loading slow.

家园 有点奇怪啊




家园 sorry, I meant.....

1.011 is installed,

0808 is unzipped.

is the dark-black knight in 0808? heard it a lot. never got chance to see.

家园 黑骑士是个好东西啊

战斗力超强,可以用来练级,而且战利品可以卖个好价钱。有时候打Dark Avengers军团,还可以掉unique items,这些是在商店里面买不到的。

不过,这是在装了那个band of warrior的mod才有的东西,嘿嘿。

家园 available in 1.011?

I am trying to install a 0808 on my linux. :)

家园 据我所知

band of warrior只有for 0.808版的。

嗯?这个游戏可以装在Linux上面吗?没听说它有for linux的版本啊?

家园 yes, you can play on linux

but have to do some manual work.

where can I download the mod?

家园 看这里

Band of Warrior

对了,怎样在Linux下面玩Mount and Blade?

家园 try here


家园 能否把内容贴过来?


家园 sent you msg. check here.

I will tell, how you can install Mount&Blade in Linux, this note is good for game version >=0.890

1. Yum must download the newest version of wine http://www.winehq.org/?announce=latest and install this:

(in linux console: tar -xvvzf wine* cd wine* ./configure make depend make su // your password make install)

2. Run winecfg and there set windows version XP, and sound system ALSA

3. Download DirectX 9.0c, don't use setup.exe extract the file DirectX.cab you can use for this program 7zip it's easy to install in wine

4. Copy from DirectX.cab files cp *.dll to /home/use/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 if program will overwrite files set NO

5. Download files d3dx9_31 to the latest from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?d3dx9_31 or extract from directx folder

and copy to /home/use/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32

6. Setup Mount&Blade -- don't use in configure M&B shadow quality its crushed game

7. If you want icons on pulpit you can write script:


cd /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Mount\&Blade/

wine mount\&blade.exe

and use it for run game for example sh mb.sh

If you have some problems or have another solution writing here.

Sorry for my poor english it isn't my language.

家园 战团出来了,骑砍迷们冲锋!




家园 Yours我要使劲送花


P.S 花一朵,不能表明在下的谢意。

家园 下了个1257的mod

我玩的是英文版,在网络上找mod的时候看见个1257 ad mod,是讲当时黑暗时代欧洲的。我二话不说,直接下,在现在英文版的1.125下运行完美。

准备从个小混混做起,然后逐步掌握个城堡,然后建立我的帝国,不过,名字总是想不好,因为我玩的是英文版的,自然起不了酷酷的中文名字,我想了,Mangi Terri Imperium,大地帝国, Empire of the Great Land,好像不好听,还希望众河友能够帮我想个好名字,就像生孩子之前要想好名字嘛,谢谢大家了。:D

家园 Ironforge...
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