
主题:Huseyin Celil 案件:哈帕有兴趣搞清楚他是恐怖嫌犯吗 -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 Nice job!

(On campus, no Chinese input. Sorry.)

I was planning to do something about this too. Too busy this week, had to postpone it for a while. It is great to know you're doing this. I actually planned to contact the media. And there is a woman, who is very active in local politics. I planned to meet her next Monday.

I believe the biggest difference among immigrants like us, whom from mainland China, and others, Hongkongnese, Taiwanese, is we don't bend over easily. If it's a personal event I might let it go with smile, but nothing like this, something related to my homeland.

Never bend over, until you are crashed. Like I always tell one of my friends who is kind of weak,

I said if somebody hurt you at 1000 points, and his damage is 0 point. That means you never fight back to defense yourself, and then most likely he would enjoy doing it again. The benefit it too good!

But if you were hurt for 1000 points, the persecutors lost 800 points as price simultaneously.

Because you struggled, you fought; you screamed...you did something to defense.

Everybody would take a serious contemplation before they take their actions, which might interfere with your profits next time.

Even they lost only 1 point, it's still worth to struggle. 1000-1=999, their benefit decreased, Eventually they will stop when they reach the margin.

And suppose there are two objects, if they attack No. A, they would lose 1 point; their benefit is 999 points. And if they attack object No. B, they lost nothing, benefit is 1000 points. Everyone goes for object No. B. It is as simply as this.

Basically, if you can’t be the strongest in this sin world, then at least be the object No. A, less hurt, more chances to survival, this is EVOLUTION. Nature doesn't select strongest only, but also who knows to protect themselves too.

Time to make noise! People always say what ever we do, nobody cares, they just ignore it. That's fine! We don't care whether they care. We just fight for that 1 point. We fight and we fight now.

I will support you! If you need any kind of paper job to be done let me know. Not this week though!

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