
主题:【原创】温家宝讲述的天下大势 -- 同人于野

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家园 cont.

Posted 27/02/07 at 1:55 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

r b from calgary, Canada writes: I normally do not comment on issues of purely foreign interest - my concern is first and foremost protection of North American economies and lifestyles: translation - I really don't give a damn about China's lack, or accomplishment of, democracy. I don't care when, or if it is achieved, I care far more about the behavior of whatever Chinese regime happens to be in power is with respect to the outrages of ongoing patent infringement and intellectual property theft by China. However a posting by a Josepf Sis requires rebuttal. As with many Canadians who are posted in foreign lands, this fellow came back all starry-eyed to tell us how much better 'they' do things in 'such and such' land. Perhaps. Having lived through a decade plus of Kleiny numbskullitude in AB, even I sometimes wistfully yearn for an intelligent hand at the wheel. But I recall that some of my family had the experience of living in a nation that experienced a miraculous recovery from devasatation. Within 3 years of the ascension of a new government, people were fed, industry was humming, the trains ran on time. The National Socialists were quite efficient if nothing else. Now settle down, I am not directly comparing 1930's Germany to the China of today: China appears to be a relatively benign dictatorship (perhaps a bit heavy handed on the capital punishment issue, but the Chinese posters on these boards don't seem to mind). But in general, dictatorships are more efficient. Just pray that you are not a born dissenter. Then of course there is the sticky issue of why there continues to be those 'teeming masses yearning to breathe free'. Your Chinese friends who ' laugh and think we are clueless' (your words) may want to ponder that. Myself, I will take the chaos of North American imperfect democracy to semi-benign dictatorship any time. Game on.

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:06 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

CPT America from United States writes: Just remember morally superior Canadians, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:07 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Scott Anderson from Windsor, Canada writes: Wow! Hear that sucken sound of Global destabilization? Well at least a good 40 to 60 years anyways. But I think China will see civil war and unrest first.

Same thing that needs to happen in the Middle East a major civil war so the Muslims can take back the faith from the hijackers in their society. It's time a culture and people who have been handed modern technology move the forward 500 years to an even playing field as the most of the world.

Why not let the exploitation of Democracies continue as Russia has done to the west for technology and money only to plan a re closing of the curtain by the great dictator Putin probably by 2012.

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:34 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

CPT America from United States writes: Okay I am no Chinese rocket scientist but this one takes the cake. 'The Canadian democratic system took 80 years to develop to the stage where its Chinese citizens can vote (1867 - 1947).' Since when are (were)foreign citizens allowed to vote?

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:12 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Bond Shearing from Calgary, writes: A 100 years before any possibility of democracy, hardly something to bragg about. At least not in our lifetime.

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:39 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Tor Sandberg from Toronto, Canada writes: No democracy in China for another 100 years!? Where is the American economic embargo like the one imposed on Cuba? I deeply wish Conservatives could see the hypocrisies in all their actions.

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:20 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

gulu Ng from Canada writes: Try the chinese airline (anyone of them). you will never fly with AC, or UA, or whatever again.

Posted 27/02/07 at 2:46 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

david sandford from Canada writes: X. T. from Waterloo, ON,X. T.

I guess thugs is a universal term then. thanks for the info.

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