
主题:【原创】温家宝讲述的天下大势 -- 同人于野

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家园 cont.

Posted 27/02/07 at 3:05 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Joseph T from Victoria, Canada writes: XT & Eric Li: you are right. The majority of the people on this board are clueless and don't understand Chinese, even though they say they lived there etc etc. You have to change your entire mindset to understand the subtle nuances of Chinese word meanings and train of thought. I know this for a fact, that I had to be able to change my mindset to think in Chinese or English to understand the subtle nuances. Most westerners are clueless about this simple fact.

It is however, groundbreaking, for a senior leader of the party to now mention a time frame and the context to moving to a democratic form of government. Another clueless western thinking point is time frame. 100 years is but a drop in the bucket in China's 5000 year history. The chinese concept of time is very different than the west. The westerner mind cannot see pass their noses.

Posted 27/02/07 at 3:08 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Joseph T from Victoria, Canada writes: CPT: the reference is to Canadian citizens of chinese extraction.

The west has discriminate against Asians heavily. The racial politics practiced by the west against Asians were truly disgusting. Asians had to endure various forms of indignities around the world as they achieve success. Yet, Asians, in most cases turned the other cheek and with dignity moved forward. Westerners should be ashame of themselves for their attitudes and practices.

The various western based societies have raped and plunder various resources around the world the last several centuries. These societies have had the greatest harmful impact on this planet compared to any other society.

Posted 27/02/07 at 3:17 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Ranald Walton from Hamilton, Canada writes: It is mindboggling to read posters here apologizing for the Chinese political elite, while living under the protection of Canada. The posters would have a little more credibility if they walked the talk (ie lived in China). Personally I like freedom of speech and democracy, and thankfully our forefathers (and foremothers?) were willing to kill and die to defend those rights. Besides, political stability is necessary before capitalism works. The corpses of the contemporary Chinese leadership will be hanging from lamposts by piano wire, during the next depression.

Posted 27/02/07 at 3:28 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

William Berry from Winston Salem, United States writes: The Western mind CAN see past its nose, a Chinese Communist leader saying Democracy is 100 years away means that for 100 more years the Chinese people will continue to live in a totalitarian state, very similar to slavery, while the Western economies continue to go into a nose dive due to a very warped Trade imbalance versus the Chinese. Western (including Canada) democracies will continue to see their manufacturing jobs go to the People's (HA!) Republic of China, where people either work for pennies for government-owned companies, or go to "re-education camps." It means that a near dictatorship will continue to use its army and national police to impose the will of the elite upon the masses, down to the level of a person's right to think! Look at the "Made In _" tags on the goods you buy, especially in low cost consumer goods, appliances, furniture and clothing, and you will note that a VERY high percentage of them say "CHINA." World War III has turned into a TRADE WAR and CHINA is WINNING!

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