主题:【原创】关于台海问题的二百五观点 -- z250
Armies, militias, and mercenaries
Revolutionaries (known as "Americans", "Whigs," "Congress-Men" or "Patriots") had the active support of the population. About 15 to 20 percent of the population supported the British Crown[3] after 1775 and were known as Loyalists (or Tories)[4]. Loyalists fielded perhaps 50,000 men during the war years in support of the King.
When the war began, the Americans did not have a professional army or navy. Each colony provided for its own defenses through the use of local militia. Militiamen were lightly armed, slightly trained, and usually did not have uniforms. Their units served for only a few weeks or months at a time, were reluctant to go very far from home, and were thus generally unavailable for extended operations. Militia lacked the training and discipline of regular soldiers but were more numerous and could overwhelm regular troops as at the battles of Concord, Bennington and Saratoga, and the siege of Boston. Both sides used partisan warfare but the Americans were particularly effective at suppressing Loyalist activity when British regulars were not in the area.[2]
The Origins
The Center of Military History (CMH) is responsible for the appropriate use of history throughout the U.S. Army. Traditionally, this mission meant recording the official history of the Army in both peace and war, while advising the Army Staff on historical matters. In terms of this tradition, the Center traces its lineage back to those historians under the Secretary of War who compiled the Official Records of the Rebellion, a monumental history of the Civil War begun in 1874, and to a similar work on World War I prepared by the Historical Section of the Army War College.
The modern organization of the Army’s historical efforts dates from the creation of the General Staff historical branch in July 1943 and the subsequent gathering of a large team of historians, translators, editors, and cartographers to record the official history of World War II. This team began publication of the U.S. Army in World War II series (the well-known “green books”), which now numbers 79 volumes. More recently, CMH has produced detailed series on the Army’s role in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and is beginning a series on the U.S. Army in the Cold War. These works, supplemented by hundreds of monographs and other volumes, have made the Center one of the major publishers of military history in the world.
Since its formation, CMH has provided historical support to the Army Secretariat and Staff, contributing essential background information for decision making, staff actions, command information programs, and public statements by Army officials. In recent decades it also has progressively expanded its role in the vital areas of military history education, the management of the Army’s museum system, and the introduction of automated data-retrieval systems. The Center’s work with Army schools ensures that the study of history is a significant part of the training of officers and noncommissioned officers. It also supports the use of history to foster unit pride and give today’s soldiers an understanding of the Army’s past. Much of this educational work is also performed at field historical offices and in Army museums. The Center thus provides all levels of the Army—as well as other services, government agencies, and the public—with a growing awareness of history that goes well beyond publications alone.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂美国历史上还从来没有与外军在美本土作战过- 这话不对 花差花差农民 字12 2007-08-17 11:53:20
🙂杠抬得准!特此更正 z250 字59 2007-08-18 08:28:57
🙂还是不对,1812年美英战争白宫才被烧。 花差花差农民 字0 2007-08-18 13:40:03
🙂本不喜欢抬杠, 不过
🙂烧白宫的时候早已建国了吧 cdcdcdd 字88 2007-08-21 01:18:03
🙂美国史与美军史是否等同起算 z250 字420 2007-08-21 03:36:56
🙂对于当时来说,各州民团就是美国军队了。 花差花差农民 字26 2007-08-18 23:27:51
🙂这样一来 z250 字81 2007-08-19 10:09:55