
主题:资本主义只能是这样的 -- uphere

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家园 ZT: the wheel of history

Those who study history learn that during the birth, growth, decline and fall of a civilization/culture you go through a series of stages.

The first stage is Bondage and is the most stable for reasons that should be apparent. Those who are keeping others in bondage derive the benefits of the system and seek to keep the bonded downtrodden, ignorant and complacent. At some point the Bondsmen throw off the yoke of their society and become free at which point you have:

Stage two, Liberty! This is when anyone can do anything so long as they don't annoy the neighbors to the point of causing violence. This is a rollicking good time for most people and was epitomized by the 1783-1811 period of American history.

Stage three, Abundance, is a natural outgrowth of Liberty, all those people doing what they want when they want manage to do a lot of things that accumulate wealth, in the process cultural and individual wealth grows rapidly.

Stage four, Greed, is when the culture has shifted a bit and the people then alive see the abundance created by their predecessors and want to do even better for themselves.

Stage five, Complacency, when even the greedy have everything they could possibly want people come to think of a certain high standard of living as being their birthright, they no longer have to strive to achieve instead they have more than the poor of other nations can even imagine having in their wildest dreams.

Stage six, Apathy, this is the stage where the youth in the culture/civilization don't take any interest in anything requiring effort. Everything from education to work ethic declines, the hedonistic philosophy of “Eat Drink and be Merry, for tomorrow we die”

takes root in the culture. So called Moral Fiber degrades and the culture turns to earthly pleasures to entertain itself above all other goals.

Stage seven, Dependency, this is the point where leaders arise who promise the party will go on forever, as long as you put them in charge. The people in the culture willingly give up the right to think for themselves in return for a complete abdication of personal responsibility.

Stage eight, Bondage, this usually follows quickly after dependency as the powers that be encourage the 'lower class' to just go along and get along, don't worry be happy and let us make all the decisions for you. After a generation or two the bondsmen are now so ignorant they believe that their ancestors were always bondsmen and their decedents will always be bondsmen because it is the "Natural Order"



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