
主题:【港股实盘9】第9周——两个月浮亏2.3% -- 老拙

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家园 An opinion

Below is the opinion of somebody on Finance.Google.com discussion panel.

Source: http://finance.google.com/group/google.finance.983582/browse_thread/thread/88c2fc239bc8cc9c

While rate freeze certainly will help the situation, consider a slide

from Countrywide (CFC)'s Keynote Presentation at the 37th Annual Bank

of America Investment Conference in September which showed the


Causes of Foreclosure (July 2007)

58.3% Curtailment of income

13.2% Illness/Medical

8.4% Divorce

6.1% Investment property/Unable to sell

5.5% Low regard for property ownership

3.6% Death

1.4% Payment adjustment

3.5% Other"

From what is known, it appears the rate freeze only applies to

subprime (FICO below 660) and only applies to those with the highest

teaser rates (7%-8%). So what they are doing is locking in the highest

rates on those with the worst credit histories hoping to squeeze a few

more dollars out of them before they go under.

When was the last time Fed and Bush came to rescue poor? Oh, I forgot

about Katrina disaster and we all know what happened then. This is

pro rich govt. and will only help those who dont need any help.

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