主题:谈谈Covered Call -- moses
共:💬12 🌺18
复 谢谢鼓励
sold stock at 37.30
buy back call at 20.40
earned total: $218 including $4 commission
not bad compare to the risk and low margin requirement. The initial margin is about 1/4 of the stock price. so the gain is $218/(28.19*100/4) = 30% for 21 days
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂不好意思,没有太明白问的什么 moses 字293 2007-12-12 02:59:47
🙂又学到了 业余选手 字16 2007-12-05 01:59:58
🙂谢谢鼓励 moses 字218 2007-12-05 11:00:19
🙂close position today
🙂老兄的例子看了很有启发.花赞 huky 字0 2007-12-01 22:36:26
🙂两个教材参考 1 张家兄弟 字226 2007-11-30 17:28:09
🙂第一个例子 2 moses 字913 2007-11-30 22:31:31
🙂支持兄台做这样有实例和切身体会的科普, 花! xman 字110 2007-12-03 06:21:07