
主题:【原创】炮轰伦敦,我的一张大字报(一) -- 无事笑三声

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家园 【原创】谢谢萨大


At around 1:00 a.m. on 21 November 1939 she was seriously damaged as she left the Firth of Forth, with twenty-one men injured, by a magnetic mine laid on 4 November by the German submarine U-21 under the command of Kapitänleutnant Fritz Frauenheim.The mine broke the keel and wrecked the hull and machinery to such an extent that repairs at Devonport took nearly three years.

大意粗略翻译:1939年11月21日凌晨1点在苏格兰River Forth河口,被德国U-21潜艇于1939年11月4日布设的磁性水雷命中,21人受伤。贝舰龙骨受损,船壳和机器遭到破坏。在英国达文波特大范围修理了尽3年。(3年~~好长,倒不如再造艘)

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