
主题:王1000圆已经申请政治避难,她根本就是有预谋的!!! -- billhy

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家园 该事件的讨论已经走向赤裸裸种族主义攻击了



Duke Undergraduate

posted 4/14/08 @ 2:18 PM EST

I *do* read my history; I apparently just don't read posts carefully in the morning, and I thought you were referring to what we did to the Japanese in WWII.

To address your point, the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII was also justified, and I'm beginning to think the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a good idea, as well. I also support our detention of enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay and our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, so making a statement about any of those isn't going to phase me.

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