
主题:又一个美国普通人的想法 -- 真理

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家园 又一个美国普通人的想法

The Chinese protest backlash against the Tibetan protests and the media people who've commented about China (Jack Cafferty) appear to me to be based solely on chauvinistic Chinese nationalism. These backlash protests are being made without regard to the higher moral concepts like human rights, free speech, or even something as banal as product integrity. All these things have been pointed out by China's critics and many Chinese are putting on a show of outrage by the suggestion that China has any flaws in it's national character. I hope responsible western news organizations will resist any pressure to censure, or censor, western media commentators who might happen to be critical of China. Free speech is not a reality in China today and we in the west should cherish and support the practice of free speech here, especially in the face of a concerted effort by foreign nationals to impose their repressive habits whenever they don't like hearing the truth about their country from someone in the western media.

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