
主题:【原创】台北101阻尼器 -- 長禾

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家园 You are right, not empty.

Yet, it is slow. It may penetrate

floor, but may not damage the


The floor is not armor, it does not

need much 穿甲能力 to penetrate.

For WTC towers, the outside war have

steel pillars, but still the

plane cut through.

Big building, a relatively small ball,

compare to the building, even it

penetrates horizontally, only small

portion of pillars will be damaged.

the most of the pillars, so as the

building, will survive.

It is not bowling, in which ball is

larger than the bottles. It is more

like a slow solid bullet and wooden

box. Even the bullet passes through,

the box will not crush.

The planes is like armor piercing

shell, penetrate and explode.

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