
主题:温总理也玩Facebook? -- 布丁123

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家园 我就是国内的同学


跟阿三扯(广东人称其为阿X,因为他们的缠头布的形状),谈不上提高英语水平。他们的spoken English是这样的:

An indian wanted to snake into the US territory but was caught at border crossing by the guard.

Guard: hey you, get out of the bush and put your hands on your head!

indian: oh please, I one two go tu amelica I one two see misda Bush....

unfortunately the guard is a democrat so he decided to play tricks on him.

Guard: now listen, if you can make out a sentence with green,pink and yellow then I'll let you in. if you fail, go back where you're from.

the indian struggled a while and said: my friend calls me and da phone green green green, I pink up da phone and say yellow?~~


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