
主题:【原创】药的故事:阿司匹林 -- 兰凯

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"How to Make Aspirin Today"

(to the tune of the "Sesame Street" theme song)

Achey day, headache please, go away.

And I'm getting a fever, Oy vey!

Can you tell me how to make, how to make aspirin today?

These you take, when aspirin you make.

Salicylic acid's on the list

And acetic anhydride and an acid catalyst.

Sulfuric to be exact. Mix them all and they react,

And an ester is formed. You esterify. You esterify.

On phenol, acetyl finds its goal.

And from water, white crystals arise.

And to make them pure, from alcohol recrystallize.

by Thomas Ott

Oakland University, Rochester MI

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