
主题:【周末经济观察】资不抵债,给我顶住 -- 陈经

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家园 看来忠言很逆耳啊




我对资金需求的看法 [ buzz ] 于:2008-03-28 06:54:50


One thing on how A shares near future, when A was at 4200, the value of chinese (both shenzhen and shanghai) market is 17 trillions, equal the total saving in the banks. WHen A at 4800, the value went up to 21 trillions, roughly about 4 trillion for every 800 poins. So theoretically in the near term, if all the money from banks is moved to the stock market, A share can be at 8000 at most. Considering the possiblity of emptying bank is 0, A up to 5000 is quite high and the upside is very limited because there is less and less money supply from the banks.

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