
主题:T34和KV坦克在美国阿伯丁试验场的评估 -- donkeyking

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家园 这T-34/76该不是战争期间应急生产的简化产品吧



Back during WW II, as part of the Lend Lease program, we suppplied the Russians with all manner of miltary equipment. Part of this deal was that we demanded and got samples of Russian armor. We got a T 34/76 tank, a KV 1 Tank, an SU 100 and one other combat vehicle with the iron clad promise that we would not cut it apart. Once the tanks were safely back in the United States, they were thorougly gone over. A side plate was cut from the turret for test and evaluation of the metallurgy. The tank wound up in the old Ordnance museum and some time after the war a team of visiting Russian dignitaries was taken on a tour of the museum. When they saw the tank had been cut open, they raised "Holy Hell" in the words of a former Technical Intelligence officer. It did however give our Ordnance designers a good idea of what Russian tanks were made of.

It also caused the Ordnance dpartment to realize that our 2.36" rocket

launcher was in effective against Russian tanks.


The "first" T34/85 tank was "recovered", rather than captured.

Apparently, it was driving down a railroad track (the only open route

thru some of the Korean mountain passes) in the dark & ran into a blown

bridge & dropped 14-20 ft into a stream bed. It was not "readily

visible" from the air, so it escaped the attention of the USAF, which

"destroyed", by bombing, several tanks 4-5 times. This statement is

based on the # of tanks REPORTED as being destroyed VS the actual

account of tanks located & examined (CHUCKWAGONed) by TI personnel. Our

valiant heroes of the 528th envisioned parades & medals, etc. for

returning the tank to CONUS. Instead, they were greeted by a very irate

0-6, at the dock, & w/o ceremony, shipped back to Korea, by air. They

had left 8th Army w/ no TI capability. They were informed that there

would be no future escorting of CEM.

The T34/85 tank that was sent back to the states for display in the

Washington area. It came back by slow boat and this produced howls from

the ACSI.(Assistant Chief of Staff-Intelligence) He wanted it faster

than slow boat from Korea. After being put on display in Washington, it

was sent to Chrysler Engineering for an in-depth technical analysis. I

have reviewed copy No 2 of their final report. It was found that the

clutch plates were made by Ford (I think it was Ford). The CIA funded an

in-depth study of all captured Soviet tanks and it was found that most

had the clutch plates made in America.

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