
主题:【文摘+翻译】麦克斯韦尔:中印领土争端是尼赫鲁犯傻的结果 -- 愚弟

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家园 【文摘+翻译】麦克斯韦尔:中印领土争端是尼赫鲁犯傻的结果

China, India and the fruits of Nehru’s folly

Venkatesan Vembu

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


(英文原文是用 google 自动翻译机先过堂,但是 google 的翻译太高深莫测了,我用大白话重新整理了一下。因为我对这种外交、政治英语拿不准,大家可以中英文一段一段对照地看,欢迎纠错,有则改之,无则加免。)

India's refusal to enter into a negotiation with China to address the boundary dispute is at the root of the current crisis between the two emerging giants of Asia, says journalist and writer Neville Maxwell, author of India's China War.In an exclusive interview to DNA in the context of the recent escalations in tensions between the two countries over developments relating to Arunachal Pradesh, Maxwell noted that "the Indian refusal to negotiate (with China) is the A to Z of this problem. While that lasts, things will just get worse…"

《中印 战争》一书的作者,记者兼作家,麦克斯韦尔说:两个新兴亚洲巨人之间之所以出现这种紧张局面,根源是因为印度不愿意跟中国进行解决边界争端的谈判。近来由于阿鲁纳恰尔邦的开发和发展而引起的中印两国之间的关系紧张逐步扩大。在DNA对麦克斯韦尔的有关专访中,他指出,“印度的拒绝谈判是这个问题的根本所在(A to Z),越耗下去,事情会变得越糟糕。”

Drawing on decades of research and writings, which have made an important contribution to the historiography of the 1962 Sino-Indian war, Maxwell said that the Indian side "is still impaled on Nehru's folly of declaring India's boundaries fixed, final and non-negotiable. No successor Indian government has dared - and many have not been inclined - to challenge that assertion."




India's refusal to enter into a negotiation with China to address the boundary dispute is at the root of the current crisis between the two emerging giants of Asia, says journalist and writer Neville Maxwell, author of India's China War. In an exclusive interview to DNA in the context of the recent escalations in tensions between the two countries over developments relating to Arunachal Pradesh, Maxwell noted that "the Indian refusal to negotiate (with China) is the A to Z of this problem. While that lasts, things will just get worse…"

《中印战争》一书的作者,记者兼作家,麦克斯韦尔说:两个新兴亚洲巨人之间之所以出现这种紧张局面,根源是因为印度不愿意跟中国进行解决边界争端的谈判。近来由于阿鲁纳恰尔邦的开发和发展而引起的中印两国之间的关系紧张逐步扩大。在DNA对麦克斯韦尔的有关专访中,他指出,“印度的拒绝谈判是这个问题的根本所在(A to Z),越耗下去,事情会变得越糟糕。”

Drawing on decades of research and writings, which have made an important contribution to the historiography of the 1962 Sino-Indian war, Maxwell said that the Indian side "is still impaled on Nehru's folly of declaring India's boundaries fixed, final and non-negotiable. No successor Indian government has dared - and many have not been inclined - to challenge that assertion." 




What is your assessment of the current controversy over Arunachal Pradesh and the overall state of Sino-Indian relationship?


The protracted talks between the governments of China and India are not negotiations proper. The Indian side is still impaled on (Jawaharlal) Nehru's folly of declaring India's boundaries fixed, final and non-negotiable. No successor Indian government has dared - and many have not been inclined - to challenge that assertion. A boundary dispute is soluble only in the context of negotiations. If one side or the other refuses to negotiate, a conflict is almost inevitable…


The present position, as far as India is concerned, is the worst of all possible worlds. Since these are not 'negotiations', neither side can move from its originally stated position.


Ever since the question arose in diplomatic exchanges in the 1950s and the prime ministerial correspondence between Zhou (Enlai) and Nehru, China's position has been: 'There is a dispute between us. It results from history, particularly Imperial history. But we will resolve it to mutual satisfaction once we open negotiations.'


Unfortunately, the Indian position from the beginning until today has been: 'We'll tell you where the Sino-Indian boundaries lie, and you'll have to respect the conclusion that we reach. And should you decline, we'll charge you with aggression, and public pressure will force us to take military action against you…'


That's what happened in 1962. China, therefore, made use of a well-established principle in international law, and acted in pre-emptive self-defence. The Indian side had already been moving militarily against China for a couple of years, and the Indian government, in the voice of their Prime Minister Nehru, had publicly and internationally declared that it was going to attack China.

这正是1962 年发生的事。根据既定的国际法原则,中国于是采取了先发制人的自卫。印度已经对中国采取了好几年的军事行动,而印度总理尼赫鲁,代表印度政府,公开地在国际上宣称:印度将进攻中国。

Your view that India is to blame for the war with China in 1962 has been challenged by scholars like John Garver, who have argued that Mao Zedong committed a fundamental 'attribution error' by concluding that Nehru sought to seize Tibet from China. How do you respond to that?


It's utter nonsense… The facts on the ground were quite clear-cut. India was bent on military aggression against China to confirm its badly based territorial claims, and China reacted with an entirely legitimate act of pre-emptive self-defence. That is the legal position, and perceptions about Mao and Tibet don't come into it. That's just absurd.



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