主题:【求助】硬盘有问题了,Invalid BOOT.INI file -- 铁手
If you do, try it to check whether you can access the partition.
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That's ok. I was just cooling down hangzhou 字81 2004-06-26 23:24:36
😅确认一下整个过程 锋利 字479 2004-06-26 01:38:51
😥是两块硬盘?sorry没注意到‘从盘’这个词 锋利 字121 2004-06-26 01:51:01
Do you have PartitionMagic?
没有。我用GETDATABACK在找,能够看到一些文件内容 铁手 字223 2004-06-26 00:33:13
Good luck hangzhou 字296 2004-06-26 01:17:43
多谢多谢,刚才网断了。我也得睡觉了。我会先用NOTORN试验一下。 铁手 字0 2004-06-26 01:32:10
Wish you had recovered all files hangzhou 字274 2004-06-26 16:54:09