
主题:【原创】有关对外文宣的一个想法 -- hasecui

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家园 就现在这帮人的水平就不用报什么希望了


"China's law guarantees citizens freedom of speech and expression," Li Wufeng of China's State Council Information Office said.

"The government encourages the media to play its role as a watchdog, and there is no censorship in the country," he added, citing extensive reporting of a recent scandal over tainted baby milk as an example that negative news is not suppressed.

But Li acknowledged that some Web sites might be blocked because they contain what is deemed to be illegal content.

"Chinese law prohibits the use of the Internet or other mass media for creating rumors or instigating the subversion of government or splitting national territory," Li said.

Li said people are free to speak to reporters without risking penalties and the government is not responsible for intimidating journalists.




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