
主题:欧元未来命运的先兆(参考消息的文章) -- 凡影随风

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家园 一哥们的回复,有点儿意思。

这篇文章很悲观但确实如此。 ... Thomas Jefferson 总统说过 “当任何主权国家让银行来主宰货币的发行时,银行将比军队还危险。” ... 如果美国人明白Dennis Kucinich所说的“联邦银行其实比联邦快递还扯淡”的话他们早上街打砸抢,臭揍这帮银行家了。其实就是权力。银行家想控制更多的东西,所以他们精心设计了这次经济危机。我们将面对新的世界秩序的诞生。... 妈的,如果老百姓知道银行滥印钞票空手套白狼的话,肯定是群情激愤。


The article is pessimistic, however, it is what it is. The truth is that fractional reserve banking has led us into this mess. It's just not the U.S. but the entire globe. Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the U.S. is qouted as saying "when you let banks control the issue of money of any given Sovereign State, they are more dangerous than a standing army". The fruit's of their labor is evident in this Economic meltdown.If the Americans new that the "Federal Reserve was as federal as the Federal Express" qoute from Dennis Kucinich Ohio Senator, they would riot in the streets and bring the bankders to justice. This is all about control people. The bankers want to control everything, and so they instituted this economic meltdown. We are on the brink of a New World Order emerging. Do your research, and examine the facts. Goverments should not allow privately held banks to control thier issuance of money. But they have, and now you have this debacle. Hell, if people new that banks create money out of thin air,and then lend it out at a specific interest rate it fire them up and they would swell in great anger.

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